01• Seven-Eleven

301 5 1

Detroit, 5 months later


Why do I have to do this again?

Oh I don't know, your runaway brother could possibly be in danger

Oh yeah.... that, no need to be a bitch about it

I'm your conscience

I know

I had an internal conflict or petty argument with my conscience when my phone started ringing 

"Hello" I answered without checking who it was

"El I'm sure you know why I'm calling" the last person I wanted to hear responded

"Probably to tell me what I have to do or to check if I took my shot am I right" I asked Jason Sarcastically

"You just have to scout for a few days, check for anything suspicious, pop in and say hi if you want to" he spoke trailing off

"Oh, please I'm never popping in anywhere he is I'll only watch him from a decent distance" I said harshly with good reason

"Why do you always have to have bad blood?" Asked the brunette

"Oh please, you're just jealous because you don't get to meet the original Robin" I called him out

"That has nothing to do with this, you have to get some sort of closure" he argued and I paused thinking about it

"Okay Dad" I sassed rolling my eyes

"And take your fucking shots" he reminded rudely

"Okay! geez get off my case" I spoke, "Bye Todd" I said and hung up before he could say anything else.

Hanging up I looked around the hotel room. It's not exactly low profile but it would be suspicious if Bruce's daughter was living in a motel. I walked into my room and opened my case that laid on my bed and vials with blue liquid are on display with an injection device. I put one of the vials into place so that I can stick the thing in my forearm and the slight pain makes me hiss.

I watched as the liquid went into my veins leaving a trail of blue in its wake and soon disappears as my blood starts circulating.

My brother left Detroit so I obviously have to follow but I'm tired so I'll find him tomorrow after I take care of something I'm sure he can take care of himself till then

The night sky twinkled with stars and my bed was calling me to sleep so I had to obey, I laid down and closed my eyes as sleep swallowed me whole


Morning came by quickly and I am not a morning person... well not today at least.

I have never been that lazy to get out of bed before but I still did it I'm so proud of myself

I walked into the bathroom and did whatever a normal person does in the bathroom and got ready to check in on a friend because she'll be really upset if I don't 

I got into my jeans a t-shirt and my favorite hoodie simple I know

Yeah let's act like that isn't the hoodie dick left behind and was the only thing keeping you sane

It's Never Too Late《Jason Todd》Where stories live. Discover now