"Everything's on me. Let's just get the hell outta here and check out what's there on the list," Sirius replied.

And so, the group of ten took a portkey to a secluded area of Muggle London and from there, walked to the cinema theatre.

Sirius handed over several Muggle coins (which he had exchanged from galleons long ago) to Remus and skipped over to the rest of the family. Remus blinked.

"Which m-movie?" he stuttered. Without wasting any time, Arthur grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the ticket counter. The twins sniggered at Remus's dumbfounded look before following them.

"Oh, dear. What if I look too witch-y?" Molly asked, nervously patting her red hair.

"You aren't, Mrs Weasley," Hermione reassured.

"Ooh, look! What's that Hermione? Those tiny, cute, pinky balls?" Ginny asked. Everyone turned around to find some kids having cotton candy.

"That, Ginny, is called as cotton candy," Harry answered her.

"A what?" Ron asked.

"Is it a Muggle dessert?" Ginny asked.

"Yes," Hermione answered. "It tastes so good! Have you eaten it, Harry?"

Harry shook his head. "I've just seen them –"

"Are you waiting for the grass to grow? Come on then! Let's go have some pinky candy!" Ginny exclaimed, grabbing Ron's arms and dragging him to the corner. Sirius grinned before following them.

The lender of the candy looked annoyed when she spotted a group of people, including grown-ups.

"Can we have some candy please?" Sirius asked with a wink. The lady's face coloured. "Some for my godson and his best friends; you could give me the whole shop if you'd wish."

Hermione facepalmed as the rest of the teenagers started laughing. The lender lady hastily prepared the pink delicacies and handed them all too the people standing closest to her. This resulted in Sirius and Harry distributing the cotton candy with a lot of grace and struggle, respectively.

Remus returned shortly after they finished devouring the Muggle dessert and told them that the movie was set to start in ten minutes. The whole clan walked to the auditorium.

Arthur and the twins had saved the fourth and fifth rows for them so they the seats beside the persons they desired to. Sirius sat between his godson and Remus as he tried to tear open the packet of popcorn. He failed miserably as it blasted apart and rained popcorn.

"What?" a bewildered Harry exclaimed as Ginny chuckled. Ron tried to eat the pieces which had fallen on him but Hermione swatted him away. Molly sighed and almost took her wand out. Thankfully, Fred (or George) grabbed her hand before she could expose them to the Muggles.

Sirius just shrugged before he stealthily summoned another packet of the snack which flew out of a startled couple's hands into his awaiting ones. Remus snorted loudly and quickly turned it into a cough.

As Sirius munched on the popcorn, the scarlet curtains shot open. The lights dimmed and Mrs Weasley shrieked somewhere behind him. The excited chattering started as a commercial was played.

"What's that?" Ginny asked, looking at the woman showing off a new home appliance.

"That is called a vacuum cleaner, Gin," Harry replied with a shrug. The redhead still looked confused so he started explaining how it worked. Sirius looked at them with amusement before going back to his tub of popcorn.

Soon enough, the movie title 'Dunston' started and an eager silence fell upon the crowd. As time progressed, the movie got humorous. Dunston the chimpanzee had just had a break-in to the kitchens when Sirius found himself laughing hard on the floor, the tub of popcorn in Harry's hands.

By the time the movie ended, everyone were laughing madly. Hermione's laughs were the highest, only passing Sirius's by a few pitch notes.

With the credits rolling to the bottom of the screen, the family exited the theatre with wide grins and hearty tears streaking their cheeks. On their way to #12 Grimmauld Place, they stopped by a fancy looking restaurant.

"What's la casa?" Molly asked.

"Some dish," Remus muttered under his breath.

"How about this chocolate truffie?" Ginny asked excitedly. Harry chuckled and Sirius noted, with ephemeral amusement, that his godson was growing up quickly right in front of his dark eyes.

"What's this?" Ron asked Hermione. She explained whatever was on the menu that he was pointing at and his face brightened up. "Oh that! I'll take the cuddles then!" the hungry redhead exclaimed. Everything went silent for a minute. Remus looked at him as if he had told something that would make him really ashamed and Molly looked as red as her hair. Fred and George were snickering and Arthur was still engrossed with his menu. Harry and Ginny had stopped their moment of having fun.

"What?" Hermione croaked out, looking rather coloured.

"Cuddles. . . Isn't that what you told it was?" Ron asked, looking confused. "Y'know, in the cinema. . . Long, sticky with chicken or veggies. . .?" Harry snorted.

"Mate, it's noodles," he corrected the redhead.

"Oh." Ron's freckles stood out with a sharp contrast to his skin. "I'm sorry, Hermione! I don't want to noodle you! Er – I mean cuddle you!"

Remus sighed as Sirius and Ginny burst out laughing. Molly went back to her menu and the twins nearly fell off their chair in fits of laughter. Harry, however, was looking everywhere else other than at any of his friends.

With the redness in their cheeks never lessening, Ron and Hermione (who insisted on having the same meal as Ron's) had their bowls of noodles. When everyone was well fed and happy, they returned back to the headquarters of the Order.

Sirius's mood dimmed almost instantaneously.

The same old hallway with a troll's leg umbrella stand. The same old serpent themed decors. The same old sticky cobwebs. The same old golden framed photo of his mother.

In all, the same old, moody, grim and sullen home he liked to call hell was where he was destined to spend his lockdown in and Harry was the only one who would be able to change that. . .

This chapter is dedicated to Isa for her birthday! I included romione in it for the same reason lol. Go wish her a happy birthday guys!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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