▪︎Part 2▪︎

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Please do inline comments, they really motivate me 🌌

Also i am not sure of being consistent about the updates as my exams are almost here, but will try my best!

Happy Reading!♥️


Well, the flight finally took off and all the while he kept his hand on mine while he was reading his book.

I made this cute little puppy face when he left my hands but his oh so charming smile won my heart all over again. He removed his shoes and made himself comfortable on the seat while i kept admiring him. What will he think if he sees me glaring at him?! Stupid me!

I soon reveived a call which made him come out of his book world where he was lost deeply.

"Sorry for the disturbance." I composed myself.

"Aree.. it's totally fine, i am not doing a research or something." He chuckled making my heart sing.

My phone flashed with Mukti's name. This girl can never keep calm.

"Hey Girlfriend, wassup? Missing me already? Hmm.." I teased her.

"Seriously? You know these things don't suit you. You are that cutest girl every gang has! Whatever, did you catch the flight? Did you board for the right flight? Did you board on time? Are you feeling scared alone?" Here came her board exam questions.

"Relaxxxxxx... yes i did catch the flight, i boarded the right flight and on time, and for your information i am not scared at all."

Well.. i clearly lied to her. I did catch the flight but was way late, i almost caught the wrong flight. Last but not the least, i was scared like hell.

Even this handsome guy right beside me laughed silently and gave me a 'are you serious' look, teasingly, as he also knew how big lie i was blubbering out. I bit my lips shyingly which made him chuckle more.

"Who are you sitting with..? I heard a laugh." My miss detective enquired.

"Ohh godd! How many questions you have to ask? No hello, no how are you, nothing." I pouted and felt his warm gaze on me.

Boy.. stop or i am going to melt right here.

"Fine.. let me talk to that guy atleast."
"Whatttt?? whyyy?"
"Just give the damn phone to him."

I rolled my eyes, "seriously? Fine.. hold on."

"Umm.. this silliest bestie of mine wants to talk to you, can you please just..." I legit begged him because i can't handle her questions any further and she won't srop until she gets what she needs.

He chuckled, "yeah sure.. gimme"
Aww so sweet and cute.

I passed him the phone which he kept on speaker.

"Heyy.. miss?" He said indirectly asking her name.

"Miss Mukti.. and yeah.. leave all this. I just want to say that dare you try to hurt my girly and you won't go back home alive!" She threathened him.

Wowww... how much more embarrass i have to get?

He chuckled looking at the look of my face and ofcourse Mukti's care before replying, "aye aye captain."

This time i chuckled seeing these cuties having the cutest conversation.

After that, i had a little conversation with Mukti and my phone's battery went off. Seriously?

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