So without any further questioning he called Anna.
And it was his luck that Anna had just dealt with the situation of all the mafias that were plotting against the Italians.
She saw Sandro's call and knew it must have been important as he would have never called her if it was not important.
Before delaying she picked up the call.

"Anna we need you in hospital you are one of the matches. "

Listening to her eldest brother's voice she forgot everything and rushed towards the hospital. When after 10 mins she entered she saw all of her biological brothers looking towards her without a grateful look whereas Cole and Sia were pointing their glares towards Brittany and Georgia who were cowering away from the pointed glares towards them but didn't comment on it and directly went towards the nurse and her eldest brother.

"I am here.''
Every head turned towards Anna. Alessandro told the nurse to get the OR ready the moment he heard her little sister and then went towards her.
"Your and Brittany's bone marrow matched but Brittany refused to go undergo the surgery because she want to become a model and I know you are also a model but you are our last hope."

Anna turned towards her eldest brother and stared in his eyes and saw the worry and the begging behind his eyes for her brother who is in hospital. She could feel the love his eldest brother had for his little brother.
Seeing the distress she replied
"Don't worry. I'll undergo the surgery and nothing would happen to Marco."

She could see the relief in his eyes and also the smiles on all the faces of her brother. Sia immediately ran towards her and hugged her. She was already feeling the guilt of Marco's health but when she saw her sister giving her bone marrow she was relieved to some extent that Marco would be able to recover.

"Hey Sia.... I need you to let me go then only we will be able to save Marco"
All the DeLuca brothers were looking towards both of them with curious eyes as they didn't know how they know each other but before they could say anything Dr. Bianchi returned
"We are ready for the surgery."

Anna was rushed towards the OR.
While the whole family patiently waiting for both the siblings and the elder one fighting for his life.
After the operation both Marco and Annabella were shifted in the same room and Dr. Bianchi came to them.
"Marco is out of danger and will be waking up in about 10 hours and Annabella would be awake after 24 hours because of her history with anesthesia. "

But the only problem is that only Aiden DaVinci (ex- capo of French Mafia)  and his children knew what history they were talking about and the DeLuca's had no clue about the history of anesthesia.
They were so confused and before anyone could speak Leo spoke up
"What anesthesia allergy?"

Dr. Bianchi looked towards Aiden for his permission but Cole already spoke up
"That is up to Munchkin if she wants to share than that is her story to tell"
Cole knowingly used the word munchkin because he knew all her brothers especially Alessandro used to call Anna munchkin.

All their heads turned towards Cole after listening him calling their Anna munchkin.
But before they could react Oscar(second in command of Russian mafia ) rushed towards them.
"How is everyone?"
"Marco is injured and munchkin just gave him bone - marrow so that he can be saved."
All the Italian mafia was confused why both the French and Russian mafia were so worried about Anna but because they were too worried for both siblings they lead it slide.

Meanwhile Oscar filled Cole about how the enemies were handled by Anna and how she sworn the justice for the assault that occurred today.
Sia who was tired from the day's occurrences slept in the couch in the room where both Marco and Anna were sleeping and Isa made herself a place to sleep on the other couch in the room and whole Italian mafia clan made themselves a place there to wait only Lucian and Alessandro were missing as they were busy to keep their bases safe if any kind of attack did occur whereas Cole and Aiden were busy finding the second in command of Chinese mafia .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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