Chapter 9

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Author's POV

The family saw Anna leaving the hospital in a hurry, they instantly knew something was wrong but didn't stop her because they were needed here. Whereas on the same time Alessandro's phone ringed and he had to leave the hospital to attend the call because he knew if his best friend was calling in the midst of the night it must have been important. They were waiting when Dr. Bianchi came out of the operation theatre. All the DeLuca family as well as Da Vinci family rushed forward.

"We have the reports and according to the reports there are only three people whose bone marrow matched and only two of them who are healthy enough to donate there bone marrow at this moment."
All of them sighed a breathe of relief.

They were thankful that after the operation Marco will be alright.
Running out of patience Lucian was the first one to spoke
"Doctor whose bone marrow matched?"
"Yours, Annabella DeLuca, and Brittany DeLuca but because of your age we cannot ask you to donate the bone marrow it can be dangerous for your health but one of your daughters can undergo the operation right now. We just need to know who is willing to go to the operation."

Every head automatically turned towards Brittany because only she was the one that was available at this moment and you could see the pleading eyes of every DeLuca clan towards her as they wanted her to save there son. Whereas Brittany she herself was terrified because she just took the test as she didn't wanted them to feel that she didn't care about Marco after all they were the one fulfilling all her wants but she didn't think for once that it can match because she was not blood.

She was stuck she didn't know how to decline to go for the operation because in no way she was going to cause any damage to her proper body for someone else. Whereas Georgia was thinking of a way to save her daughter from undergoing any operation.

She was about to say something when Brittany spoke up
"I can't undergo this operation. I can't. This operation would cause damage to my figure and I wont be able to continue my career in Modeling"

To say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. They never thought that Brittany would refuse to donate her bone marrow for her own family.

Even Xavier who always supported her, felt his heart broke the moment for all the times he stood for her in front of his brothers as they didn't wanted Brittany taking Anna's place in their lives whereas Xavier he was so lonely that after her some attempts he let her replace Anna in his life.

Georgia knew that her daughter has already caused a kind of ruckus for denying to undergo the operation just because of the fear if damaging her looks. So she tried to cover up the situation by trying to butter up her statement.
"Guys she is just scared because we all know that a model cannot work in this industry with stitches. That is the sole reason she denied to donate."

But in her mind she already knew that her image is changed in their minds. Before they could continue they heard the cold voice of their eldest sibling/son
"What is going on here?"
Every DeLuca flinched except Lucian listening to their older brothers voice they knew he would not tolerate the nuisance Brittany was speaking.

Moreover just like Anna he had already got the information about how all the allies were against them. He was already trying to handle the situation with the help of Luca and when he returned he was shocked seeing all his family with a defeated look.

When no one spoke anything he turned to Vincent so that he could help him understand the situation.
Vincent explained him about the whole situation. To say he was enraged would be an understatement. He knew that if Anna would have been here there wouldn't have been a problem. He saw the worried expression on her face while she was talking to the doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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