Chapter 7

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Annabella's POV

She looked like the most beautiful girl in the world at that moment.
My whole family had their mouths open just to admire their daughter and I saw how all my brothers especially Alessandro looked at her with love and adoration.

My heart melted at that very moment but the moment was short lived as we heard a scream. We all turned to the source and saw Nate holding a hand at his mouth and admiring Isa. We all chuckled even Lucian and Sandro had amusement filled in their eyes.

"You look so gorgeous Isa".
There were nods and confirmation to the statement said by Nate. I was enjoying this moment when my eyes went towards her wrist actually towards her bruised wrist.

Her wrist was now more prominent. I turned towards my family who were still looking at Isa in adoration and cleared my throat. I glared towards the culprits who were responsible for Isa's ache.

"Bitch 1 and bitch 2 if I see that happen again on her body part ever again I swear to the Lord you will not be able to walk for days and I promise you that."

By that time the whole family was watching Isa's wrist and my glare deepened the moment I saw Brittany was about to object. I turned towards Alessandro this time because I knew he may not believe me but he loved and treated Isa as his own

"Make sure this is not repeated otherwise I will kill them and that's a promise."
The anger my voice held he knew I was not joking around.

They knew it was not me who did that and the way Georgia was avoiding contact, it showed how much she was guilty about it.

I turned towards Carlos.
"I am sorry Carlos I couldn't let her agree to my conditions so now she is your victim you can do whatever you want I tried to control not going to the police but now it's up to you."

Carlos nodded his head and was about to say something when all the DeLuca family thought it was a good idea to leave my office but Nathan being Nathan dragged me with him.

I turned towards Carlos thanking him for handling Isa when we were busy coming to a conclusion. With that being said I followed Nathan and Isa to the limo parked and got in.

The car ride was awfully quiet. I knew all of them were thinking about the situation that just occurred in my office.

I didn't say anything I just grabbed the ice pack and held it against Isa's wrist. She whimpered and her sound was heard by everyone. I saw Georgia and Brittany covering into each other to save themselves from the enraged eyes of their family while I looked at Isa lovingly and spoke.

" Next time someone hurts you come directly to me and I'll make sure that they are punished. That someone can be from your own family also. okay sweetheart?"

I was satisfied by her answer so I changed the topic to something she loves talking about.
"So how did you find your sister's designer cloth collection?"
And just like that the whole car was intrigued in hearing her reply because everyone knew how much she loves clothes. she can buy the whole mall and still would not have enough clothes.

"You know your designer gave me so many trials. All the dresses were so pretty. They were praising me so much. I felt like a true princess. You know I always wanted such a special treatment. They also let me have your designed dresses. and they bought me my favorite chocolate cake and they also got me ice cream lots and lots of ice cream."

Listening to her rant bios looked at her in adoration and amusement and the awkward feeling in the car that was there minuted ago disappeared and we all listened to how her dream of being a princess was accomplished.

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