Chapter 2

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Present  time  (10 years later)

Annabella's  POV

I'm in Italy at French Headquarters doing a job for dad. He wanted me to check his shipments that they all reached and all the weapons inside are original.

I know he could have asked someone else but I wanted to do it as there was nothing to do on a Saturday night.

Well while I was working I heard a gun's safety being put off and I know the warehouse was attacked.

I carefully took out my knives making sure to make the person believe that he has not been caught yet and looking through the car glass threw the knife direct aiming for his throat to slice it open.

After listening to his body thud to the ground his ten fellow mates all came out to directly attack me. Having only 5 knives I aimed for the one closed to me and took out my gunbefore they could reach me I shot all of them in the eye leaving the last one for introspection.

"Who are you?"
This guy was kinda creepy he kept looking at me wierd.
After not hearing his answer I placed the knife at his neck

"Please leave me. Charles wanted to just give his message that he will have you one way or the other."
"Well then tell him I'll be waiting for him to lose."

And with that I sliced his throat. Fucking bastard.
Those were my new shoes.

I was about to call dad when his call came
"Hello dad!"
"Hello Rose. Are the shipments fine?"
"Yes dad but we have a problem.… Charles was able to send his men to our headquarters, we need to do something about him before I personally kill him."
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll see what I can do"
"Thanks dad"

"Okay bye sweetheart, but I need you home before dinner."
I replied rolling my eyes "yes dad"

"Miss Rose Aurora! How dare you roll your eyes in front of your father?"
To say I was shooked
"Huhh... How?"
"I am your father sweetheart I know everything."

He disconnected the call leaving me in my own world. I wish he was my real father, he took care of me and took me in when I was at my worst.

I'll always be thankful to him.

I was brought out of my dreamland from the phone ringing
"Hello ma'am"
It was one of my spy who was in Italian Mafia taking care of Isabella.

Yes,yes I know about my sperm donors real business but what do you expect my father himself was head of the French Mafia.

"Ma'am it seems Miss. DeLuca has suffered from an accident, she is now rushed to DeLuca's charitable hospital but they are not able to get the hang of Dr. Bianchi for her treatment."

To say I was enraged was not specific
"And you are informing me this now. Where were you when the accident happened and how could you not save her?"

"Ma'am I know I should be punished but please listen to me, she is serious and the accident occurred in DeLuca mansion. I only got to know when she was rushed to the hospital because they couldn't help her in the medical wing of their wing".

"Okay I'll see what will happen after this. Thankyou for informing."
I know I may be rude or deadly but I have not left my values and decency my mother taught me.

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