sixteen - happy in paradise

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"HELLO TRIBUTES! Now that it's down to the FINAL THREE, we'll be giving you guys a tiny twist to spice things up!" The announcer's voice blares through the arena, and my stomach flips as I hear people's cruel laughter.

"All the water inside the arena will be DRAINED, and there will be no other water supply except for those inside your water bottles. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor." A shiver runs down my spine as I take a look at my water left. Not much. 

I glance over at Zoey. Kunboss' death leaves an awkward space between Zoey and I. When we were little, Kunboss always told us to wait for him, and Zoey and I would sit, just like we are now, until he came back. But now, he can't. He's dead. He's gone. Tears flow and flow until I can't cry anymore..


I sit with Gwyneth, swinging our feet as we perch on a tree. Emptiness at the absence of our best friend kicks in, and without realizing it, my eyes are welling with tears. Kun.. He's gone, and never coming back. Gwyneth turns to look at me, as if she knew I was going to cry. 

With her gentle touch, she wipes the tears from my eyes and leans in to hug me. 

"I know, I know," she says softly, caressing my back. "he-" I say, but the words can't seem to form themselves. "He was my best friend too," Gwyneth says.

She tries to comfort me, but eventually gives up. Handing me some nightlock, she puts on a reassuring smile. "Kun, he's waiting for you on the other side," she says with tears in her eyes. 

I nod, trying to fight back the tears of sadness and loss that threaten to overwhelm me. I look back at Gwyneth. Tears form in the eyes of the strong, brave girl that is my best friend. I know it's too much for her. She's trying to stay strong for us. 

It's at this moment that I realize how selfless Gwyneth is.

She jumps off of the tree, takes some supplies, and leaves me behind. Her silhouette becomes smaller and smaller. 

"Wait!" I try to yell, but the words don't come out. Instead, I watch her walk farther and farther away, with her ponytail swinging behind.

Though I hate to admit it, Gwyneth is right. I miss my best friend; the one who was always there for me when I needed him the most; the one whom I desperately wanted to say those three words to. And as much as I wish it wasn't true, he's gone.

 "Kun... I miss you, and I love you," I say out loud, shoving the berries into my mouth.



Just as I am about to fall asleep, Zoey's cannon sounds. A sole tear drops down from my eye as I think of Kunboss and Zoey, my best friends since childhood. If only they were together now, they wouldn't have to go through this horrible experience all alone.

I'm alone, alive, and they're not here with me. My heart feels hollow and empty. A big hole is in the middle of it, where it once was whole and full. A small piece torn out every time I lose someone I love in this dreaded arena.

I wonder if they will be able to reunite in paradise once again? Will I miss them for the rest of my life? Will I keep feeling hollow and empty like I am now? Or will there be some light in my tunnel? Will we ever meet again in this life?

I'll never know the answer to that, but I will keep them, and the memories of them, in my heart forever.

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