Chapter 2: Niall and Zayn

Start from the beginning

I nod my head In understanding. Now that I look him over I can see the scars. He has light Carmel eyes that are so warm yet ice cold. He has very defined cheek bones and his hair is in a quiff with a purple streak in the middle. There is a scar right above his lip and right eyebrow.

"So are you two you know... dating" I ask. Zayn just laughed.

I am probably the only one that saw the hurt in Niall's eyes. "Am I that ugly" Niall says looking down. I couldn't help but want to hug him and make him feel happy again. That sounded very pervey and that is not what I meant. I meant I wanted to comfort him.

"No no no Niall. Your not ugly I just don't want to date you. I just want to be friends." Zayn says.

Niall beams at his statement. "So what are we supposed to be doing for this project." I ask finally thinking about class.

"Get to know each other and then make a drawing about their personality." Niall says. I nod.

"So what are we going to talk about we pretty much got everything in the open" I say.

"Why don't we talk about you mr.styles" Zayn says. I laugh really hard. Zayn looks at me quizzically.

"Mr.styles is what I named my dick" I say after I calm down.

Niall laughs his loud disturbing laugh of his. Zayn stifles a laugh because everyone is already staring.

"I'm sorry" I say to Zayn "I couldn't help it"

"It cool" Zayn says "your pretty cool Harry"

"You guys are both cool" I say. "Would you like to hang with me and Louis after school" I say hoping for a yes. I really wanted to become friends with these guys.

"YEAH" Niall yells.

"Way to play it cool Niall" Zayn said making me laugh even more.

"Well cool meet me at the gate today after school okay." I say to them. They nod then the bell rings. I pick up my bags and head to forth period which I happen to have with Niall Zayn and Louis.

I walk in and sit at a table for four rather than taking up the two seated table in the corner. I sit down with Niall and Zayn. I spot Louis and wave him over.

He looks slightly puzzled but walks over anyways.

"Holy shit. Why are they here" Louis says. Way to make an impression.

"They are cool Lou now shut up and stop judging" I say before Zayn or Niall can react.

"Fine but if they hurt me I'm gonna kill you harry" Louis says sitting down cautiously.

"Hi I'm Niall. I'm gay. I'm Irish. This is Zayn he is bi. He is from Bradford." Niall says very bluntly.

"Ohhhh. Yeah you guys are cool. But yeah me and Harold are bi. Zayn talk". Louis says very quickly giving Zayn no time to react.

"Hi" is all he muttered out.

"Is that all. If we are gonna be friends you have to talk WAYYY more." Louis says to Zayn.

He chuckles slightly "I do talk more you just gave me no time to react." He says.

Louis turns to me "Harry I think Zayn's accent is cute. So is he" Louis says as if Zayn and Niall aren't even there.

I burst out laughing. But I feel different. I feel a pang of jealousy attack my heart. I try hard to brush it off but it's still in my heart. Zayn is now a threat.

I put on a hurt face trying not to make it look too real "I thought you loved me" I say.

He turns to me and grabs my face in his hands. It feels so familiar "of coarse hazza" he says. He leans in and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Good" I say and turn back to see Zayn's reaction. Amused. Fucking hell. Niall just looked shocked.

"You guys are dating. Is that who Larry is?" Niall asked.

Me and Louis burst out laughing at the same time. "No we are just friends" louis says.

"Then why did you kiss" Niall persisted.

I remembered last night and I just swallowed. "Cause we can" I say.

Louis says "it's just a friendly kiss that friends do" Louis says. Saying it was enough. But Louis being him had to prove it he leaned over the desk and kissed Niall and Zayn on the mouth. He kissed Zayn a little longer than Niall.

Zayn is a threat. I repeat Zayn is a threat.

"What about me" I pout. Louis chuckles then grabs my face and gives me a kiss.

SCORE. "So does this mean we are your friends" Niall ask.

Louis smiles and nodded and winked at Zayn. Fuck Louis. Your killing me. I grab his hand and entwine our fingers. I felt the need to prove my love for Louis was stronger than Zayn can ever love him.

The teacher, Mr.Felix, walked in and begun the lesson. We were actually performing tomorrow. Shit.


Next chapter is continuing this drama lesson but I thought this chapter was getting a bit long. Next chapter is gonna be long though. :/ errrr.

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They are all perfect please fan them. Please.

Ps. Next chap Liam will be introduced so dont kill me.

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