Tales of the Blood Sand Division

Start from the beginning

the cries of arabic speeches alerts them to the anthros goal, the enemy reserves heading to the encircled division to overrun them.

"Demi, give these Tali's the Boss!!"

the bull anthro hualed a portable gatling gun over the ditch and unleashed fury.

The infantry ranks were cut down by the hail of bullets, as the remaining anthros luanched rockets into the tanks and vehicles.

then the rumbling in the air caught the anthros attention, as the sound was like cutting of air.


As if on cue, the blackhawk painted in the Taliban colors rose up from a mountain, unleashing volleys of galting power into the ditch

"Keep those No-Furs away and Take Out that Heli!!!!" Holly roared after the first strafe, as teliban troops advanced on the furs position with fanatical fury.

"RPG!!!" a rocket atroke the ground in front of the flanking force, cuasing an ear piercing explosion

The explosion dazed Holly, he dizzily takes glimpses of the blackhawk falling into a fireball, as a rough hand drags him of the burning sand

"Get the Fuck Up" the bull anthro hauled Holly up to his feet "We gotta get the fuck out off here!!"

'Technicals!!!" the backside gunner lets loose a tide of tracers into the anthro ranks, one of whom is a antalop.

"Detrix's!!!" cried the leopard, before rising up and riddling the 50. cal gunner with holes

"Nows ou-"


the bull recieved a bloody hole in his left eye before collapsing, roars of Taliban fighters rush them from the close walls of the ditch

"Contact Right!!!" Holly roars snaping his M16 into the group as another wave of attackers appeared on the opposite end

"Sarge they're coming!!!" cried a reptile private, whose slashing the throats and bodies of his assailents

"Holy, Fuck!!!"

Looking over the ditch, an endless tidal wave of No-Furs were rushing from all directions.

Holly face went paled, but not before spotting a familiar anthro with a handy weapon.

The Taliban were close to the ditch as the dying howls and whimpers of anthros fueled their adrenaline with joy.

"Take this!!!" before they descended on the ditch, a gatling gun ripped through the tide "Go!! I'll cover you!!!"

The surviving anthros didn't protest and simply ran, as Holly emerged from the ditch with a enlarged gatling gun, its weight nearly crushing him and the recoil giving him more strain

Holly fueled by adrenaline and rage cut through the swaths of No-Furs like nothing,

even the Blackhawk that was swooping into the kill. Holly simply riddled the machine until it exploded, the fragments and debris fell onto the No-Furs

when the gatling gun ran out, the No-Furs charged once again into Holly.

Who whipped put his side arm and popped a few No-Furs near him, another attacker came qhen his side arm ran out.

Holly threw the gun at him before hualing the overwieghed gatling gun into the No-Fur

Holly snatches a AK from a dead taliban and continued fighting valiantly, when the AK depleted a stray shot grazed Hollys shoulder making him growl.

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