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Enzo and I were both now on the couch, my head placed on his thighs and his fingers gently caressing my face while we watched a movie.
From a distance I heard the front door creek open letting me know Olivia was back.

"Girllllll..." She says from the door, dragging each L every step she took before she reached the living room and was immediately silenced by the sight of Enzo. "I didn't know you would be here." She muttered to Enzo slightly embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you Liv." He said back with a smile. Her eyes soon darted down to mine as she frowned her eyebrows, definitely having something in mind. "Aren't you meant to be at work? It's like past two." She eventually asked out.

Her question immediately drifted my mind to Ashton, as she knew it would. "I could go tomorrow." I replied. "Obviously you missed yesterday and you plan on missing today too? Your Boss isn't going to be happy with that." She said clearly referring to Ashton.

I was about speaking back before Enzo cut in. "She's right. I wouldn't want to be the reason for why you would loose your job." His words placing a small smile on Olivia's face.

He placed a small kiss on my lips before grabbing his keys off the side stool. "See you tomorrow." He uttered and left in a second.
"What was that for? You know I'm not mentally prepared to meet Ashton yet." I said when I heard his car take off. "So you decided to date Lorenzo to take your mind off Ashton." "We're not dating, we just had sex." I subconsciously corrected making her jaw drop.

"You had sex with him?" She asked with a shocked expression and I replied with a slight nod. "What now makes you think he doesn't have in mind that you both are dating?" She questioned.
Does he think we're dating?

God. I hope not.

"I'm not sure I want to date him... don't get me wrong, Enzo is great but I just don't think I want to date anyone at the moment." I let out a sigh. "Then you should tell him instead of leading him on like this." She finally took a seat next me on the couch.

"Okay I'm going..." I flew myself up from the couch.
I didn't want to sit and listen to liv's ranting about my unsteady relationship with men. All I knew she wanted from me is to go back to the club and spend some time with Ashton.

When I was done bathing, I threw on a black fitted button up shirt with a light cream colored skirt to go with it. I did a light makeup to complete my look and snatched my purse from the side table beside me.
"I'm leaving!" I yelled while prancing to the front door. "Bye!" She yelled back from her room.

I arrived at the club and just looking at it brought shivers through my body. Taking slow deep breaths I turned the key of my car to off the running engine and anxiously came down.

I was quickly noticed by a shocked Chloe who grabbed me across the room.
"Where the hell were you?" She towered me on the wall with her palms resting on my shoulders.

"I've been home, wasn't feeling too well..." "How are you feeling now?" She quickly asked.

"Mr Antonio ordered we call you to his office the moment you arrive." She said after a slight nod to my previous reply. "H-His office?" I stuttered and she replied with a nod.

"I would be waiting for you in the changing room." She motioned me towards the stairs.
The guards cautiously moved for me to get in. "Tell me every detail when your back." She sent a wink to me.

Temptations Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora