🦋Him or Him? 🦋

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At the time I arrived back to Liv's apartment, she was laying on the couch with a bowl of chips placed on her stomach.
"Girl where were you all these while? I've been waiting for you." She got up and rushed over to me, placing her both palms on my cheeks.

"We had sex." She whispered. "You and Asher?" I questioned. "Yes! It was amazing... And don't lecture me about anything, because I wouldn't even listen." Her statement firm and her expression now serious.

"I wouldn't lecture you." I laughed out. "Good." She went back to the couch, grabbing the bowl on her thighs.
"Who made the first move?" I sat next to her, dipping my hands in the bowl of chips
"I did. We went to this fancy restaurant yesterday and after we were done eating we were back to the car. So I decided to tease him before we could get inside." She was explaining with her eyes looking up the ceiling as if she was trying to recall the memory.

"You know. I thanked him for the dinner then hugged him, placing a little kiss on his lips. I guess he couldn't get enough because he pulled closer for more... and soon we were in at the back of the car having sex." She narrated with a grin.

"You both had car sex?" I chuckled out. "I can't believe it too! We later went over to his place to finish what we started." She sent a wink at my direction.

"How is it with you and Ashton?" She quickly changed the topic. "Nothing... Did you know he's the owner of the club?" "Maybe..." she mumbled. "You knew?" I questioned. "Asher told me that they both owned a strip club in town...so I planned for us to work there so you could be closer to Ashton."

I couldn't believe what I heard. So this was all a set up. A fucking scheme this whole time.
"Is Ashton a part of this?" I furiously asked. "No! I'm the only person who arranged it. I'm sorry if you're upset."
I shouldn't be angry at something so little. I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times before I spoke again.

"Ashton and I had a couple of moments too." I finally let out. "You both had sex?" She asked with wide eyes. "What? No. Unless you count fingering as having sex." I mentioned. "It does!"
"It does?" I questioned her statement. "Well, It should be." She said in a amused tone.

"What about Lorenzo?"
"What about Lorenzo?" She replied my question with another. "I shouldn't be leading the both of them..." "Then dump Lorenzo." She quickly suggested.
"He really likes me and I think I might too." I whined. "You don't. You like Ashton." She she said trying to change my thoughts.
That was the thing. I didn't like Ashton. He knew a lot of ways to turn me on but I just never felt like I was growing a soft spot for him.

A loud ringing tone came from inside my bag. It was Lorenzo. I looked up at Olivia who was staring at the screen the entire time. "What are you doing? Answer it!" She ordered.
"Hello." I muttered in the phone. "Put it on speaker." Liv whispered and I did as she said.

"You've been stuck in my mind, Rose. I've been thinking about you all week." He mentioned in a stressed tone.
I couldn't help but admit, he sounded sexy.
"Could we meet up again?" He asked. "I'll be glad to." Olivia threw a glare at my statement. "Tomorrow by 9?" He suggested. "That would be great. See you then." I hung up.

"I thought we were ending things with Lorenzo not going on more dates with him?!" Olivia said with an unimpressed tone. "I and Lorenzo could end up actually being something...and so you know I'm just working for Asher." I stated.
"You're not just working for him...People don't have sex with their employees-" "Oh my God, Liv. We didn't have sex." I corrected her with an annoyed glare. "My point is... I think he likes you Rose and I know you do too."

"I don't." I assured her.

The environment went numb as Olivia stared at me while I prepared myself a glass of water.
"How's your Abuelá?" She finally decided to change the topic. "She's better than before...surprisingly, someone already paid half of the amount." I leaned on the counter.

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