Chapter 2

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"You are to behave when we reach the school, got it?" The headmistress continued, "I don't want your horrible manners to rub off on the other girls." 

"Oh be quiet you strumpet. You only want to control me, and of that I am certain." Enola tested back. "I will behave like I do at home, and there is not a thing you can do to change that." She said, a sly grin on her face.

A frown appeared on Miss Harrison's face, boosting Enolas confidence. She was sure, completely sure that the headmistress hated her, which was exactly what she wanted. 

Shortly after her fathers death, her mother went missing. Sherlock, her other brother-whom she undoubtedly liked more than Mycroft-went to go find her. 

They had left Enola with that horrid man, and now he was attempting to ruin her. Even so, the brunette always chose to stick up for herself. In times when she was drained, she thought of her mother. She thought of how Eudoria Holmes was a smart and independent woman. She would've wanted Enola to choose her own path.

"Our future is up to us." Her mother would always say. She wanted me to be happy with myself.

Then why would she leave me?

She left me because she didn't care about me. Her mother who she loved so dearly, did not care at all, it seemed. How could that woman leave me alone? I'm only 16. I thought she wanted me to be well. She didn't care, she couldn't have. I'm alone. I always will be. Alone. Enola. Alone.


She forced herself to be pulled out of her thoughts. It wasn't true. No way. Not possible. Her mother loved her, so, so much.

"Lost in thought, I see." The woman beside her said.

"That is none of your business." Enola continued, "Instead of paying attention to me, you should be paying attention to that spider on your shoulder."

On impulse, the woman looked over to her shoulder, only to be me with the eyes of a black spider. 

"Ah! get it off me! Get it off!" Miss Harrison shouted, terrified. Enola giggled, as she slowly reached her hand towards the old woman's puffed up sleeve. She brought out her fingers, and waited patiently for the spider to climb onto her. With almost no hesitation, the spider did. The brunette girl smiled at it, and slowly let it climb out the window of the moving carriage.

Enola yearned to be like that spider; free. She wished with everything in her that the headmistress would suddenly let her out of the carriage, and tell her to run. To do as she pleased, be with who she wanted.. 

But alas, that would never happen. The brunette would be forced to become a 'lady'. Well, more so an emotionless zombie.

The sound of the carriage stopping ripped her out of her thoughts. Miss Harrison got up and slowly opened the door to the carriage, stepping out of it and reaching her hand out to Enola. The brunette, of course, slapped her hand away and walked down the stairs herself.

As she lifted her head, she stifled a gasp. In front of her stood a massive Victorian building. Just the gardens were enough to amaze Enola.  The building itself  was made of burnt orange bricks and grey pointed roofs. The brunette was fascinated by this, but she of course would never show it.

"Meh. It's boring." Enola said, slyly.

Miss Harrison ignored the girl, and instead began walking towards the entrance, beckoning for the brunette to follow. Enola took a deep breath in, knowing that after she walked into this building, she would walk out a completely different person. The concept horrified her, but the girl mustered up her courage, and followed.

As they reached the entrance, there was only one thing on Enolas mind. Her mother. What would Eudoria think if she came back and found her daughter brainwashed.

She won't come back. Ever. She doesn't care about you and she never has


Enola shook the thoughts from her mind as she stared at the door.

"Our future is up to us." She muttered quietly, finally walking through the doors.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 - 𝐀𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now