Chapter 1

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Morning light pours in through the uncovered stained glass windows, casting colorful kaleidoscopes across the floor and walls of the room. There had always been a comfortable feel within the small bedroom, plants scattered around in an organized disorganized way. Paintings adorn the walls, mostly consisting of bright sunny scenes, or colorful spring flowers, but occasionally, your eyes may stumble upon a painting capturing the beauty of winter.  The reflective paint depicts a fascinating wonderland, detailing every single flake of snow on the ground, and every pine needle on the evergreens.

Across the room sat a bed, which held a sleeping teenage girl. The brown haired girls eyes fluttered open, squinting at the bright light shining through her window. She carefully used her arms to lift herself up until she was sitting with her back on the bed-board. Her eyes traveled across the room, taking in the beauty of the morning. She listened to the birds chirp, and the wildlife began to stir. There the brown haired girl sat, looking out the stained glass window at the life the trees and tall grass held. The nature outside the enclosed bedroom regained consciousness, and so started its work. Bees working to pollinate flowers, and rabbits chewing down on the weeds in the garden. She took in the peace of the moment, knowing that it would be the last day she would get to see this beauty for a long while.

As if on cue, the door to the bedroom flung open, taking the girl out of her trance. In the doorway stood her brother, Mycroft Holmes. She had never been too fond of him as a child, but the last couple of days had sent her hatred for him over the edge.

"Enola! It is time to leave, now. Get your bags." He continued, "I sure hope you listened to me when I told you to pack yesterday!" Mycroft shouted, sternly. 

The brunette was to be sent off to a boarding school for young women, and she was not afraid to express her displeasure about it. "Have you ever heard of knocking, Quimcroft?" She said, snickering at the name she used for her brother. 

Mycroft frowned at the name, but did not lecture her about it. He knew that it would not make any difference. Enola always had crude nicknames for him, and he had learned to deal with it. Instead, he sighed and said "Get together your bag, and find me in the living space. Oh, and wear something.. presentable. I don't want to look like a fool around you."

Enola balled her fists tightly, but alas, she knew there was nothing that she could say or do to make her brother change his mind. He had been nothing but cruel and abusive to the girl ever since their father died. Without saying a word, she stood up and made her way to the door, closing it quickly in her brothers face. 

Slowly and glumly her eyes drifted over to her wardrobe, and she began to make her way. She pulled open the doors to the wardrobe to be found with- you'll never guess- absolutely nothing formal or even slightly fancy. She sighed, knowing that Mycroft would not be happy about her clothing, but something inside her, was glad she didn't own anything fancy. With a small, barely noticeable grin on her face, she picked up her favorite, and also her dirtiest dress. There were mud stains all across the hem of the skirt, and the neckline was ripped ever so slightly.

"Well," She continued, "I guess this'll just have to do." She laughed as she pulled off her nightgown.


The brunette slyly grinned as she walked down the stairs. Her brother looked horrified! Beside him, stood an old, grey haired woman, standing with neat posture. She wore a black, maybe a dark brown dress. It was clear that she was wearing an enhancer, but Enola decided not to make any snarky comments about that. The woman looked at her up and down, with a disgusted look in her eyes. Enola could see and sense her disappointment, even though she continued to smile her fake smile.

"Ah..! Now I understand your eh.. displeasure." She said, a fake grin plastered on her face. "Well, Enola, it's nice to finally meet you. I am Miss Harrison, the headmistress at 'Miss Harrison's Boarding school.'" She said, distastefully. "We just need to take a few measurements quickly, is that alright?"

Enola didn't reply, instead giving her a small, uncomfortable smile, and nodding her head.

A young woman stepped forward, holding a measuring rope. She was wearing a.. uniform of sorts, it looked like. It was all black with a large white collar. Swiftly, she wrapped the measuring rope around the brown haired girls waist, took a moment to look at the measurements, and eventually called out, "Waist 24 inches." Miss Harrison took a moment to snicker to herself and then asked for chest measurements, which the girl quickly delivered. "Chest 33 inches." "Eh, that's too small." Miss Harrison elegantly spoke.

"They are perfectly fine." Enola said, with a frown on her face, which earned a laugh from the headmistress.

"And the hips?" She asked.

"35 inches." answered the girl.

"Wow, disappointing." She continued, "We will have to use an amplifier." Miss Harrison said, snarkily, earning an angry look from Enola.

"Hips are simply a function of legs, aren't they?" She spoke back. "What need of they of amplification?" 

The Headmistress looked back at her, baffled that she decided to talk back to her, but that expression soon became smug. "Well you have a smart little tongue. I'm going to enjoy that."

This enraged Enola, but she still stood there quietly, feeling insecure about her posture, but of course, not doing anything about it. She balled up her fists so tightly that her knuckles became white.

"Well  won't enjoy one bit of your cursed school! I won't enjoy being.. imprisoned!" She shouted, earning a hard glare from Mycroft. "And those horrible uniforms! Dear lord they are.. preposterous! I don't want to be trapped inside your stupid school!" She yelled, clearly distressed.

Ignoring all her words, Miss Harrison pushed a uniform into her hands. "Go change, girl." She spoke sternly, and strictly, but Enola didn't fear her words.

What the brunette did next was completely out of impulse. She was terrified that she would become an emotionless zombie at that revolting school. Without a word, Enola dropped the clothing on the floor. The Headmistress was angry, but the girl wasn't done yet. She looked down at the clothing on the floor, and with no hesitation, spat on it. The brunette then dug her shoe into the fabric and slid it around on the dirty floor, a smug smile plastered on her face the whole time. When she looked up, she laughed in the woman's face.

Mycroft looked terrified, sickly even. He stood staring at Enola with his mouth agape. "What seems to be the problem, Quimcroft? Are you not feeling well?" She says with fake sympathy, a sly grin ear to ear on her face. "You look like you've just soiled your.. inexpressibles."

The man stood there for a moment, in complete shock, only speaking after clearing his throat.

"Get in the carriage. Now!"

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 - 𝐀𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now