Ch. 38

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Once they reached the palace, Knuckles collapsed in exhaustion in the middle of the bridge, just after putting Sonic down gently and having him lean against the wall of the bridge. Sonic was confused and asked, "Why didn't you let me die?!" Knuckles didn't look at him but muttered trying to disguise her feminine voice, "I-I c-can't let you g-go through that. I-I know I-I said s-somethings I-I have regretted b-but I d-don't wan-want you to d-die. I c-can't..." she wept and breathed heavily while sweating. Sonic asked with a raise brow, "I never thought I say this but is there something wrong with you? You sound off and yet your slim. Did you starve yourself or something?" Knuckles replied as she stood up while attempting to hide her female voice, "Thats not important! I'm just relieved I-I made it in time." She winced at the scars that were from her forced transgender surgery. She attempted to run off and said, "I-I'm sorry I have to go!" but Sonic grabbed the bottom part of the cloak and said in a serious tone, "Oh no you don't!" That grab on the clock was alone to make the red echidna trip on the cloak and fallen. His serious look turn to shock as he Knuckles sat up on her knees and realized her feminine body was revealed when the cloak wasn't hiding it anymore. Knuckles gasped loudly in shock. Sonic was lost for words but said in shock, "What the...?" Thats when Bastion showed up and said, "Young lord. Are you alright?" Jules then rush to him and asked at the same moment Bastion was talking, "Son. You okay?" Sonic heavily breathed and said, "I'm alive. No thanks to Knuckles." Jules eyes widened at the now female echidna. Jules asked her, "My Gosh. Is that you Knuckles? What happened to you?" Before she can explain the two servants of Morbius spot her and said, "There she is! Get her!!" Knuckles gasped but then looked at Sonic. Before Sonic can say anything Knuckles said to Bastion and Jules, "Get him inside. I'll distract them. I'm the one they want." Sonic then said, "Are you out of your mind you idiot?! I told you to go back to the island but you just can't leave!" Knuckles then said, "I ain't leaving you and I never will. I really and truly love you even though you don't love me anymore all cause of my selfishness. This is my punishment for all that I have done to you." She had tears in her eyes before she ran off. The blue hedgehog gasped with wide eyes as he watched Knuckles getting grabbed by the two morbius servants as one of them said, "King Scourge would like to have a word with yas love." Knuckles replied without hesitation, "I don't care what that green monster has to say. Just leave my prince alone." The two morbius servants laughed just after she said that before the other said, "We could careless if that blue retch bleeds to death but making your escape is a big mistake love." Knuckles spat on him and said, "Back off!" The two morbius servants dragged her away as Sonic stood there shocked with eyes still widened. He couldn't understand what was happening. Bastion and Jules took him to the palace for him to rest. That's when Jules called for one of the mobius castle guards. One of the mobius guards said, "You rang King Jules." Jules replied, "Gather your men and set out a search. Find the girl and make sure she is safe." Sonic was still too stunned for words. Jules then said to Bastion, "Bastion get my son to his room and clean his wounds. He needs rest." Bastion replied, "Yes sire." Thats when Bastion helped Sonic walked and said, "Let's go young lord. Don't worry about her they'll find her." Jules thought to himself, "Why is Knuckles female now? Did Scourge's goons do this? If so then why Knuckles? She didn't deserve that. Sure Knuckles hurt my son but he..she was trying to make up to Sonic. Even though my son didn't know it. But I think Sonic is too stunned to react to what just happened."

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