chapter 1

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arah's pov,

I woke up early in the morning and left early because I didn't want to wash dishes and waste my time. I'd rather meet my besties and get to work on time.

My name is Sarah D'Souza. I'm currently employed as an assistant teacher at an art school. I don't particularly enjoy being among others. In reality, I despise humans. But I am aware that you people will perish without it.

"Hey, nerd!" "Over here!" a girl shouted, waving at me.

Shelly is my best friend, the human being I talk to and wish to meet.

"Damn you, you are on time today!" " Is your aunt finally dead?" I said with a cheerful smile.

"Well no... she's sleeping and I got up early, so I just sneaked"

"Or..." Shelly continued with a suspicious expression. You didn't sleep all night! I can see your dark circle! " pointing out my eyes.

Well yeah, I didn't sleep after hearing about that. I was worried, of course. It's like no one can sleep after hearing that.

"So what is it?"

"Well, I'm getting married."

"Come again?" She couldn't believe it either. "Gurl, but that's the truth.

"Wtf? when? Where? who? and who? " Shelly freaked out so much that she almost shouted. Everyone in the cafeteria stared at me with a weird expression.

"Calm your titters down! will ya? "

So let me start from the beginning.

Last night, my aunt was acting far too kindly. She then came over to me and made a fake declaration of love for me, which I am aware of is a lie. She informed me that she had spoken with the Veneto Enterprises chairman. The company's owners, the Veneto family, are Italy's most influential family. They are the most dangerous people in the underground, notwithstanding how strong they are in this economic sector. I was initially puzzled as to how she was connected to that mafia family. However, things began to make sense, and she revealed our family's secret.

At first, I found it hard to believe.  my family was a mafia family. One of the families that work under Drago Naro, the name of the organisation led by Veneto, My parents died due to an accident when I was young. They truly loved me, but as I remember my childhood, I never thought or got suspicious that they could be in such a dangerous organisation. My father was a wonderful man.

They left behind a large sum of money and property before passing away. However, once my aunt was granted custody of me by a court, everything turned out badly. Her stupid husband literally lost everything, from our home here to our holiday home in Hawaii, by using all that money to gamble. Today, we reside in her home. I am aware that her dumb spouse is still escaping the debt he incurred as a result of his gaming losses.

My aunt told me that they might all die and they might have to sell my parents' wedding rings if we can't pay them back. I had to marry the CEO of Veneto for that. My father, Danish D'Souza, and Luca Veneto, the chairperson's son, were formerly close friends. A smart and knowledgeable man (my dad) was being sold to them as a slave for their diamond mine when they met in India on his trip. and they joined forces to commit crimes. Danish earned the chairperson's trust since he was so trustworthy. In his will, Luca specified that Veneto and D'Souza must unite and that his son and Danish's daughter must get married.

Moreover, the chairman himself favours the union. And this is the only way to save my parents' rings, because that's the only thing I have to remember them.  


Sarah's pov,

"Are you fucking kidding?" I yelled in shock. How can you do that to me?

"You don't get it, do you? I'm not tricking you, I'm saving you and us from this misery! " She yelled back. She stopped for a while. I didn't say a word because there was nothing left to say. She came over and took my hands.

It's on you now! "Our life is in your hands, Sarah."

So, apparently, I got to know that my aunt fixed my marriage with some dangerous mafia dude. Why? because we are broke.  Her stupid husband lost everything in gambling, and now everyone is after us. So, according to their contract, if I marry him, the chairman will take the responsibility of paying the debt. 

It is a big amount of money. Millions were lost. I even forget the amount.

"You are selling me..." I believed it. A tear rolled down my cheek.

I got up and went to my room. I started packing my things. She rushed through my door. I saw her standing in the doorway. I remained silent. I just kept packing, ignoring her disgusting gaze. She finally cracked the silience.

"And where did you think you were going?"

"I'm leaving!"

"Do you believe they can't track you down? It is rather better to marry Ricardo than to be sold to some shady people who will later on pass you like you are a toy. "

It is a big amount of money. Millions were lost. I even forget the amount.

"You are selling me..." I believed it. A tear rolled down my cheek.

I got up and went to my room. I started packing my things. She rushed through my door. I saw her standing in the doorway. I remained silent. I just kept packing, ignoring her disgusting gaze. She finally cracked the silience.

"And where did you think you were going?"

"I'm leaving!"

"Do you believe they can't track you down? It is rather better to marry Ricardo than to be sold to some shady people who will later on pass you like you are a toy. "

"It's for your own good that you are going to marry into a decent family that doesn't share their women and has respect for them."

She was not wrong, though. Marrying him is the only option left. I don't know how things will turn out. but I hope he'll be kind to me. and you love me? will he love me?

I was lost in thought. My aunt lost her cool with me and instructed me to get ready for shopping because I desperately needed some quality clothing. idk whats wrong with my clothes, just because its baggy doesnt mean its not decent. 

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