"Robin," Elizabeth laughed, placing her hand over her mouth. "No. Can you imagine all of them jammed into our little room? No. Eddie is staying at our place. Jacob got a motel room for the band as part of their payment. Gareth and Jeff are going to stay there."

"Oh good, like I said, I would have been down, but I didn't want them to be uncomfortable."

Steve returned with their drinks and the three of them chatted for a bit while waiting for the show to begin. Steve told them how great things were going with Nancy. They had moved on to officially calling themselves a couple. Elizabeth was glad to see him so happy. She'd watched her friend bounce from girl to girl for too long and every time a girl was done with him, he was heartbroken. It was wonderful to see a girl genuinely like him back.

"You should have invited her along tonight," she commented, taking a sip of her drink.

"I did, but she has a big paper due tomorrow so she's spending a long night in the library, working," Steve shrugged. "I guess her roommate and her don't get along quite as swimmingly as you two do. Nancy said she's always bringing people back to the room and being very loud. She doesn't ever understand that Nancy has work to do so she mostly works in the library."

"That sucks for her. Jesus, I am so glad I got paired up with Elizabeth. I was worried about getting a shitty roommate, but I won the roommate lottery," Robin grinned, but their conversation got interrupted by Jacob coming on stage to introduce the band.

"Thank you so much for coming to Eclectic tonight. We have an awesome show for you. Many of you saw them last time and requested to see them again. Please, give it up for Corroded Coffin!"

The whole room cheered, but Elizabeth screamed the loudest. What she had told Robin and Steve earlier had been correct. The minute Eddie stepped on stage, his guitar slung over his shoulder, her breath was whisked from her body. Son of a bitch, her boyfriend was sexy. He was wearing a black fitted tee, ripped jeans, and that fucking bandana that made her go feral.

Eddie walked to his spot and immediately, his eyes found hers. He winked at her, smiling and she felt a shiver run from her head to her toes. The minute he started playing, her eyes were fixated on his fingers dancing across the strings. Her mind began remembering other things those fingers were so talented at and she flushed, her face feeling hot.

"Jesus, that guitar player is so hot," a girl said to her friend from behind them.

"Mmm...I might have to try to get me some of that," her friend responded.

"That guitar player is spoken for so back off," Robin yelled, spinning in her chair to glare at them.

Elizabeth laughed. She appreciated her friend having her back, but she wasn't concerned. She knew how hot her boyfriend was. Girls were going to look, but the only girl he had been focusing on was her. Never, in their entire relationship before or now, had Eddie ever given her a reason to feel like she couldn't trust him to be faithful.

As the show ended, the crowd gave them a standing ovation, cheering and screaming so loud it felt like the club walls were shaking. The guys headed off stage and Elizabeth, Robin, and Steve stood up, walking to the side to wait for them to come out.

"Okay, I have to admit," Steve said, "after getting to watch a whole show, your boyfriend's band is pretty damn good."

"Told you," Elizabeth smirked proudly.

Eddie, Gareth, and Jeff came out from the back and were immediately flocked by a large group of girls. They surrounded them from all sides, all batting eyelashes and pouty smiles, a sea of cleavage being pressed into them. Eddie looked up, finding Elizabeth's eyes and she waved to him.

He was gracious, hugging and shaking hands, thanking people for coming to the show. One girl tried to press herself into him and he gently grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back, telling her he appreciated her coming to the show, before breaking away from the crowd and striding directly over to Elizabeth.

As Eddie reached her, he took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, his tongue moving against her own. She moaned and leaned into him, gripping his shirt in her fingers, returning his kiss with just as much enthusiasm as he was giving.

"I have been thinking about that kiss since you walked onstage, among other things," she teased as they pulled apart. "And you had to wear that fucking bandana."

"Oh yeah," Eddie smirked. "After what you said about it the other night, you bet your ass I did. You always did get riled up after a show. I thought it was watching me play guitar but if it's just the bandana, I'll wear this shit every single day."

"Umm...other ears around," Steve complained. "Gross."

"Then cover them," Eddie stated, kissing her again.

Elizabeth's heart was both racing and feeling like it was in danger of halting. She leaned her head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. She noticed many of the girls were glaring at her, but she didn't care. They could look all they wanted, but he was hers.

"Should I plan on staying at Steve's tonight?" Robin asked with a knowing smile.

"No," Eddie insisted, shaking his head, "I am not going to kick you out of your own room. Elizabeth and I can have self control. We're not hormone driven teenagers, you know?"

"Says the guy who had his tongue down her throat in front of two hundred people," Steve scoffed.

"I really don't mind," Robin assured him. "I know you guys have limited time right now with your schedules. Steve, you don't mind if I crash, do you?"

"Nope, you're always welcome," Steve answered.

"Well, if you really don't mind," Elizabeth mused with a smirk. "Have I told you're the best friend ever?"

"What about me?" Steve said. "I'm giving her a place to stay so you two can get all nasty with each other."

"I appreciate you very much for that, Steve," Eddie offered, clapping him on his back.

Steve nodded. "Thanks, man. I'm glad someone appreciates the awesomeness that is my friendship."

"Elizabeth!" Gareth yelled, running up and bear hugging her.

"Oh my god," she squealed as he lifted her off the ground. "It's so good to see you guys."

"You too," Jeff added, pulling her in once Gareth set her down, "and damn it's good to see you two together again."

"Yes, all is right in the world again," Gareth agreed. "We'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

They were meeting the two of them for lunch tomorrow before they had to come set up for the show that night. Elizabeth was looking forward to catching up with them. She had always worried they would find her to be the annoying girlfriend who was invading their guy time, but they had always made her feel like part of the group. They had once been just as much her friends as they were Eddie's.

Elizabeth and Eddie followed everyone out to the parking lot. She slid her hand in his back pocket, eager to get him back to her room. Watching him play had her body wound like a clock and she couldn't wait to have him alone so she could loosen all her springs.

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