First Born

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Thirteen Years Ago:

Noah met Auralie a year before he left for the army, and it was a whirlwind romance. She was his whole world and promised she would still be there when he returned. So, he packed his things and after a kiss, they headed to the station. He waved to her until she was out of sight and then settled into his seat.

As soon as he arrived at boot camp, he wrote her a letter and for the first three years of his service they wrote to each other constantly. The last two years the communication tapered off and it worried him.

When he got back, he went to their small apartment and felt like he couldn't breathe. Her things were gone and there was a note on the counter along with a key and the engagement ring he had proposed with the night before he left.

Dear Noah,

I'm sorry but I had to go. I think we went into this too fast and by the time I gathered the courage to tell you, you'd already been gone for three years. I tried to stop all contact but couldn't as a part of me still loves you.

I'm sorry.

Love Always and Goodbye


Noah was a mess and with the memories haunting him he couldn't stay in their apartment anymore. He packed up his things and moved back to his hometown where he took a job as a deputy at the local sheriff's station.


When Jennifer was seven years old her mother was killed in a car accident and Jennifer herself ended up in the hospital with severe brain trauma. She had no living relatives or so she thought but she managed to get a look at her birth certificate and discovered the name of her biological father.

When she was ten years old, after managing to sneak out of the group home she was placed in, she found herself on her way to Beacon Hills where her father Noah Stilinski was the Sheriff.


When she arrives in the small town in Northern California she is filled with excitement and nerves. She is finally going to meet her dad. She doesn't know why her parents aren't together or why he hasn't tried to reach out, but she has plenty of time to ask.

She pushes open the door to the station and looks around. "Can I help you, young lady?" a deputy at the front desk asks.

"Oh. Yes ma'am. I was looking for–"

"STILES?!" a voice hollers.

A small boy about six speeds around the corner giggling. Then comes a man in uniform chasing him. He scoops him up and tickles him. "Daddy! No ticklin!" he shrieks with a loud laugh.

The woman at the desk chuckles and shakes her head fondly at the pair as the man carries his son to his office. When the door closes Jennifer sees the words: Sheriff's Office on the door and freezes. Her dad has a son. She fights back tears and takes a deep breath as the woman turns to look at her.

"Sorry about that dear. What was it you needed?"

Jennifer shakes her head and smiles. "Nothing. I just moved here and wanted to know where the station was. My mother told me that's important." She quickly turns and leaves hurrying in the direction of the bus stop.

She stumbles unsteady with the tears clouding her vision and then almost falls when she sees a boy her age walking in her direction. He's beautiful and she can't take her eyes off of him. She watches as he hurries to the station just as her da–the Sheriff is following his son outside. The boy beams. "DER BEAR!!" he exclaims as he runs towards the beautiful boy.

The beautiful boy grins and scoops up the smaller boy. "Hello you."

The Sheriff smiles at the two and sighs fondly. "He's all yours, kiddo. Be careful walking home."

"Yes sir."

The smaller boy kisses the beautiful boy's cheek. "I love you, Derek."

The beautiful boy–Derek–beams and nuzzles the smaller boy. "I love you too Stiles." He gestures in the direction he came from. "Shall we head home my mate?"

The smaller boy–Stiles–nods excitedly and after Derek sets him down, they walk away hand in hand.

The Sheriff answers his phone with a soft smile on his face as he looks at his wedding ring and heads back inside.

Jennifer sinks to the ground and feels tears falling even as white hot fury explodes inside her. Her father got married to someone who isn't her mother. Her father had another child. She has a brother. Her brother has a gorgeous mate. Her brother–half–has the life she should have had.

She stands up, her hands balled into fists and watches as her half-brother and his mate get further and further away. Something in her shatters at the realization that she was stupid and naive to think she could just show up and be welcomed with open arms. Clearly Stiles stole her father from her mother and her father from her. Then she smirks as an idea forms in her mind but there is much to do before she can carry it out.

First to find someone to take her in, help her enroll in school and gather all of the information she needs to take back the life Stiles stole from her. When she's done Stiles will no longer have a mother, a father or a mate. He will have nothing.

She smirks and laughs as she walks away from the station. "Let's just see what happens to Stiles when his whole world goes up in flames."

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