Starry Night

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"DEREK!!" Stiles calls out.

Derek hurries downstairs and smiles. "Hey."

"Hey! Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?" Stiles says grinning as he hops up and down.


"Mama and Mama Talia said that we can have a campout in the backyard!"

Derek's eyes widen and he grins. "Really?"

Stiles nods excitedly. "Really really!! They also said we can have a tent and every-fing! Even mar-mellows if we're really careful of the fire!!"

"Well that sounds like so much fun. Are we doing that tonight?"

"You really want to do that with me?" Stiles asks, his doe eyes wide and hopeful.

"Of course I do. I always want to spend time with you."

Stiles squeals excitedly and grabs Derek's hand leading him to the backyard. "My Daddy already set up the tent just in case you said yes. I grabbed the sleeping bags a-and the crackers and the chocolate!" He leads Derek to the tent and points to each item and turns to look at Derek. "What do you fink?"

Derek takes in the setup and smiles fondly at his little mate. "It's perfect."

Stiles beams. "Just like you!"

Derek shakes his head. "Just like you."


One Hour Later

After enjoying hotdogs and then s'mores the two little mates curl up on their sleeping bags in their tent. Stiles per usual abandons his own sleeping bag and curls up inside Derek's, laying his head on Derek's shoulder. They had changed into pajamas after Derek's dad put out the fire.

Stiles looks up at the flap of the tent through which they have a clear view of the night sky.

"That one there is called Orion's Belt."

Derek smiles. "It matches the moles on your cheeks."

Stiles giggles and nuzzles his nose against Derek's neck before pointing out the next one. "That's the little dipper and that there is the big dipper."

Derek sighs happily listening to his little mate point out the various constellations and talk about the stars. He's so proud of his genius mate. Derek doesn't know even half of the constellations but that's okay because Stiles will always be there to tell him about them.

They watch as little fireflies surround their tent and Stiles points at them too. "They're winking like the stars twinkle. Okay, Der, it's story time. Are you ready?"


"Okay. Once upon a time there was a baby turtle who got born from his shell but when he looked all around he could not find his mommy anywhere. The waves were crashing and a seagull flew up so high. The little baby turtle was so scared but when he looked around some more he saw more baby turtles who were alone just like him. Then they all started to move towards the water. They didn't know why but the water called to them. A-And then guess what happened?"

"What happened?"

"When they finally reached the water and peeked their heads underneath they saw their mommy waiting for them. The baby turtle was so happy that he and his sib-wings found their mommy. Even though he was scared he decided to be brave. That is how the baby turtle found his mommy again. Then they all swam away."

Derek grins and kisses his mate's forehead. "That was a really good story, Stiles. Did you hear that or—"

"Nope. I made it up. Like right now I did. Did you like it?"

"I loved it!"

"Okay. Now it's your turn."

Derek thinks for a moment and then smiles. "Okay. Ready?"

"Ready!" Stiles said with a small yawn.

"Once upon a time, in a forest near the mountains there was a wise old man who lived in a small cabin. Now this man was no ordinary man. He was actually a shape shifter and every night he would use the cover of darkness to become a wolf. He would run through the forest and leap over logs as he made his way up the mountain and when he got to the very top he howled."

"Why did he howl?"

"Because he was calling for his beloved. See, when the old man was a child, he had a best friend who lived with him and his family but then a fire broke out in the village, and they were separated. His best friend was also a shifter but instead of a wolf, he was a fox."

Stiles gasps, his eyes wide and attentive.

"At first the wolf was worried that his friend had died in the fire but then inside he felt a tug and he knew that his friend did not die. But he could not find him no matter how hard he tried. So, he pulled away from the world too deep in his sadness but then every night he would run through the forest and up to the top of the mountain where he would howl for his mate."

Stiles gasps again. "His best friend was his mate?" he asks in an awed whisper. "Like you and me?"

Derek smiles. "Exactly. After many many nights of running and howling the old man grew very sick and couldn't howl anymore or run anymore. He stopped shifting into his wolf and laid in bed, his heart hurting. Then on the night of the full moon his mate appeared by the cabin in his fox form and begged to be let in. He found the old man almost dying and it broke his heart. He shifted into his human form for he too was an old man now and told the wolf how much he loved him and that he was so very sorry it took him so long. The old man shook his head with a smile and said that it didn't matter how long it took. He loved him too and that he was glad the last thing he would see was the love of his life. His mate. That night the old man passed away and so did his mate."

Stiles sniffles. "Poor old man and his mate."

"Yes, it was sad but guess what?" Derek says as he gently rubs his mate's back to comfort him.


"When they opened their eyes, they were no longer sick, or sad because they found themselves in the great beyond where they would spend forever running in the great forest, leaping over the great logs, running up the great mountain and howling at the great moon."

Stiles smiles and snuggles closer. "I hope we never get parted, Derek but if we ever did, I would look for you and never stop. Like never ever cause you are my bestest friend and my mate. I love you." he says, his eyes fluttering closed.

Derek places a kiss to Stiles's forehead and then his nose as he pulls his mate close. "I love you too. Goodnight, my little mate."

The two mates fell asleep just as the light of the full moon shone down through the flap in the tent and a shooting star flashed across the sky.

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