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When Talia gets off the phone with Claudia she heads back to her office where her son sits slouching in the chair with a petulant pout on his face. She closes the door, rounds her desk and takes a seat. "Derek? I need you to sit up and act your age." He reluctantly does so, and she nods. "Thank you. Now I want you to tell me in your own words what happened with the girl you had in your room."

Derek cheeks twinge pink. "Jennifer is my project partner from school. She came over so we could work on it."

"I see and why did you need to do so in your room with the door closed?"

"Um well see the door wasn't closed a-at first."

"Just closed when Stiles left?" she asks with a quirked brow.

Derek huffs and then shrugs. "I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. He interrupted our studying."

Talia tilts her head. "Be that as it may, the way you acted towards him must've hurt him. Was that your goal?"

"I would NEVER hurt him!" Derek shouts.

"Derek Spencer Hale do not yell at me," she scolds and sighs as Derek shrinks into his seat in shame. "Derek sweetheart did you know she was releasing mating pheromones while you were studying?"

Derek refrains from rolling his eyes. "She's a girl. I'm sure it wasn't intentional. Stiles said the same thing but it's not like she was going to do anything."

Talia shakes her head in disappointment. "Sweetheart, you have much to learn. The only reason for her to be releasing that amount of pheromones is if she's looking to have sex and get pregnant or she's trying to mate with you. Neither of which are okay because you are only twelve and you have a mate!" she says her voice increasing in volume but her tone steady. It's no wonder Stiles was so upset.

"Well, I have a mate and I told her that but when Stiles tried to tell her she wouldn't let him get a word in," he admits quietly as his brows furrow.

"I see. Well, here's what's going to happen. You're not going to see her anymore."

"What?! That's not fair! We have a project to work on"

"Then you will both work on it in the kitchen where I can see you. You are too young to be in a room alone with the door closed."

"Fine. Is that all?"

"No. You will also apologize to your mate."


Talia sighs and shakes her head. "If you don't know then I'm truly disappointed. Go to your room."

Derek gets up and holds in a growl as he stomps upstairs to his room.


It's the next afternoon that Stiles comes over. "Hi Mama Talia," he says with a smile as he wanders into the kitchen.

"Hi sweetheart." She hugs him and ruffles his hair.

Stiles looks over to see Derek sitting at the table. "Hi Derek," he whispers.

Derek huffs and leaves the room. Stiles's shoulders droop and Talia sighs. "Stiles I—"

Stiles clears his throat and gives her a small smile. "S'okay. Hey, is Laura here? She said she'd be here, and I told her I have a really cool thing to show her."

Laura's voice rings out from her room. "Upstairs pupperoni!"

Stiles giggles and hurries up to Laura's room only hesitating slightly when he passes Derek's room. Then he pops into Laura's room and runs into her arms. "Hey Laura."

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