Sep 1 2022

1 0 0

21 23

School was ok

Natma forgot her card and money so i payed for her bus ticket and lunch food. She also freaked out her grandma to the point that she started calling mid lessons.

It was quiet but you could still hear it so i started drawing circles loudly with a pen to cover it up a bit.


It worked cuz no one noticed i think.

Her grandma picked us up.


Stage ppl answer


Apparently we need those papers tomorrow o.o

Tho that wasnt in there beforeeee.

I didnt know-

I hope thats no big problem that we give them later.

Wrote and edited a bit of book finally jeez

Found interesting animes

Wanna watch one rn

Tomorrow school pics. Gon be fancy lookin ayyy

21 29

stuffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang