june 30 2022

4 0 2

21 12

I played trove and change.

Didnt do much. 

Natma watched that sad movie bout the dog that waited for their owner for like 10 years. 

Yeah dog movies are sad.

I finally broke and I'm making a transformers fanfic.

its a reader insert. at first i wanted it to be an x reader but then my whole idea would be ruined so i decided not to. 

there will be romance ofc but not as much and it wont be focused on it. 

it gon be funnn.

i will have fun describing how the mc decided to do something about their weak limbs. hint: they are a mad scientist. kind off.

you can probably guess whats gon happen. 

i mean that's just an example of what could happen. not sure if i take that action or make it even more.. interesting.

so now I'm gonna watch tfp again. 

idk if I'm gonna stick to the plot. 

just have to wait and see what my hands start typing.

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21 20

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