She fake moaned and put her seatbelt on. "Okay daddy."

I waited until she was sitting back to pull out of her driveway. "I already told you I don't like that."

"Sorry daddy."

Ignoring it was the best option, she's going to do what she wants to do. "Who's house am I going to?"

"Robyn. Just drive like you're going to Lauren's house, I'll give you directions."

"About Lauren, are you going to explain that?"

"There's really nothing to explain, it was before our time."

"I still think you should explain it to me. It's always something Onika." I feel like we can't go through a full week without something happening.

"No it's not always something, I changed. All of this stuff was before the whole kissing thing when I was a slut, calm down."

"What did you do with Lauren?"

"Gay shit when we were drunk, nothing serious."

"So you just hang around your friend you did 'gay shit' with?" That's weird, I don't like that.

"It's not that serious. We were just fucking around because we were bored, we don't see each other like that."

"Whatever." I still don't like it but I can't be mad about something she did when we weren't together.

I drove in the direction of Lauren's house until I turned down a street and she gave me the directions the rest of the way to Robyn's house.

I parked on the side of the street since there was already two cars in her driveway.

Like always, I got out and opened the door for Onika. She hopped down and took my hand. "Thanks twin."

"Anytime, twin." I put my arm around her and we walked to the door.

Onika walked straight in like she lived here. She already knew exactly where to go because she led us to a door with stairs on the other side.

We walked down and into Robyn's basement. It looked like what you would expect. Lights on the wall, trippy tapestries everywhere, and even a poster of a naked woman.

Onika opened the door to her backyard where everyone was. They were all here already, sitting in lawn chairs that made a circle, and already smoking.

I didn't like the smell.

Robyn was sitting next to Kelly, Lauren was sitting next to Robyn, and Frank was sitting next to Lauren.

"Hey y'all." I waved and so did Onika.

Everyone waved or said their own greeting.

"I didn't think you were coming, sit next to me." I could barely tell if Kelly's eyes were open on not.

Onika pulled us over next to Kelly and pushed me down in the lawn chair before sitting in my lap.

"I wasn't going to but.." I gestured to Onika.

Kelly handed her the weed thing and she put it in her mouth.

She took it out of her mouth and a second later smoke came out of her mouth. Why did that turn me on?

Lauren coughed and dramatically wheezed. "Bey, we'll jump that bitch for you."

"I don't want to talk about that right now." I came to get my mind off that. "Let's talk about Kelly and Robyn."

They were sitting suspiciously close to each other. I could tell one of them moved their chair closer to the other because all the chairs were an equal distance apart but theirs.

awkward.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora