“Ah, Madam Tomlinson,” a man who appeared from the top of the stairs said with a pretty obnoxious smile on his face. “Always a pleasure. We’ve been expecting you and young master Tomlinson here.”

 Louis’ mother took the man’s hand and let him place a kiss on top of it. “Yes, you’ve never done us wrong before, Simon but no time for small talk. I’m rather excited to see the selection you have for my son here. Only the best, I hope.”

 “Of course, of course,” the man, Simon, said, turning to Louis. “I think you’ll be rather pleased with the boys we have selected for you to chose from.”

 Simon led Louis and his mother up the stairs and down a long corridor. They passed many doors before they finally appeared to arrive.  Simon unlocked the door and held it open for the Tomlinson’s to pass through. In the middle of the room were about ten young men, all sitting on their knees with their arms behind their back and their heads down. Louis’ face turned bright red when he realized they were all naked as well but he tried to not let it show.

 “These are the most beautiful boys we have here,” Simon said, motioning towards the boys. “Their ages range from sixteen to nineteen and are all born slaves who were raised right here so there’s a very low chance for defiance.”

 Louis looked at all of the boys. Simon was right, they were definitely all beautiful even though they were looked down at the ground. One, however, definitely caught his attention more than the others. The boy had thick curls that went in every which direction but they didn’t look wild or out of control. He could see a pair of pink, slightly pouty lips that Louis could imagine doing the most sinful things to his body.  “What can you tell me about that one?” Louis said to Simon, pointing out the boy.

 “Oh,” Simon said with a smile on his face. “That one is named Harry and he’s sixteen. He’s one of our most well-behaved boys.” Simon cleared his throat and looked at the younger boy. “Harry,” he said to the boy who instantly raised his head.

 Louis almost gasped when the boy’s full face came into view. He was absolutely stunning. His eyes were beautiful and Louis could see himself getting lost in them for hours and hours. “I want him.”

“Are you sure, pumpkin?” Louis’ mother asked.

Louis had no doubt in his mind. “Yes. He’s the one.”

Harry’s face seemed neutral as he looked upon his new master’s face. Louis couldn’t wait to see how expressive Harry could be once they were back in the privacy of his room.

“A fine choice, young master Tomlinson. I promise you will not be disappointed with your decision,” Simon said. The older man clapped his hands and all of the boys apart from Harry stood on their feet immediately and filed out the room.

Louis’ mother patted his shoulder and kissed her son’s cheek. “Alright, sweetheart, you stay here and get acquainted with your new slave while I finish the paper work with Mr. Cowell downstairs, alright?”

Louis nodded his head as his mother and Simon left the room, leaving Louis and Harry alone for the first time.

“Hello,” Louis said awkwardly, breaking the silence. “My name is Louis Tomlinson and I am your new master and you’re Harry.”

Harry nodded but stayed in his position on the floor. “I am excited to be able to serve you, sir,” Harry said. His voice was much different than Louis had expected. It was much deeper than Louis’ had been at sixteen and even now and it seemed to be as smooth as melted chocolate. It made Louis’ mouth water.

“Yes, well, we’ll go over the rules more thoroughly when we get back to my home but for now, all you need to know is that you must call me ‘sir’ or ‘master’ always and do not speak directly to anyone without my permission, even my parents. Is that understood?”

Harry bowed his head and replied with, “Yes, sir.”

Louis smiled proudly at how well his new slave was already and couldn’t wait to really get a feel of how having Harry as a slave will be. “Alright, now let’s go downstairs now. Mother will be done with the paperwork soon and I want to get home as soon as possible.”

Harry nodded his head but stayed in place on his knees. Louis looked at him, confused, until he realized Harry was probably waiting for permission to stand. “You can stand, Harry,” he said. At that, Harry stood up right away and followed Louis out the door.

 Just like he thought, Louis’ mother was just finishing up the paperwork when they arrived downstairs, Harry still completely naked. “Alright, we’re all set, sweetheart.”

Louis’ mother shook Simon’s hand one last time before they made their way back to the car, Harry right on Louis’ heel.

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