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As Naruto walked back to the stands, the Suna Shinobi had to gape as their greatest Shinobi weapon was carried off to the medical wing to be treated, knowing from the looks of his injuries, that he wouldn't be able to participate in the upcoming invasion.

"That technique," said the Raikage as the field was cleared of debris for the next match, "that was the Yondaime Hokage's Rasengan. Why does that boy know it?"

"The Yondaime's teacher was the one who trained him for these exams," said Hiruzen, "I believe he taught him many things."

"Hmmm," said A, "the boy bears a passing resemblance to the Yellow Flash."

"Merely a coincidence," said the Hokage, "He is hardly the only blond Shinobi in our village."

"True," said the Kazekage, "and besides, wouldn't the rest of Konoha know if that were the case?"

"Perhaps we should focus on the next match," said Hiruzen, "Shinobi from your villages are up."

The two Kage nodded and turned their attention to the arena, where Temari and Omoi were preparing to battle.


"This is great," sighed the Kumo Shinobi, "if I lose here then Karui will beat me up and then B-sensei will find out and I'll have to listen to his raps again without end until I start humming it in my sleep, leading me to do so when I'm out with a girl, causing her to break up with me and tell all her friends, and they'll tell all their friends, which will eventually spread to all the girls in Kumo, meaning that I won't ever get a date after that and I'll probably end up sad and alone with only my sword to keep me company and kids will come by and laugh at me when I'm an old man and alone crying into my beer..."

"Will you shut up?" yelled Temari with several tic marks on her forehead, "Seriously, you're even more annoying than that pineapple-haired-lazy-ass! Can we just begin this?"

"If both combatants are ready," said Hayate, "BEGIN!"

Temari quickly unfolded her fan partially and swung it at the Kumo Shinobi, sending a mighty gale of wind at him using her affinity for Futon Chakra. The blast of wind slammed into the Kumo-nin, but instead of sending him flying, his body exploded into a poof of smoke, revealing him to have replaced himself with a Kage Bunshin.

"Where'd you go?" muttered Temari.

"Kumo-Ryū Damashigiri!" yelled Omoi as he appeared behind Temari, swinging his sword.

Temari was barely able to bring her fan up to block the attack, yet it still sent her tumbling across the dirt due to the force behind it.

"Damnit," growled the Suna Kunoichi as she rolled to her feet and fully unfurled her fan, "but you shouldn't have put distance between us. Kamaitachi no Jutsu!"

Temari swung her fan hard, sending a powerful blast of wind at the Kumo Shinobi, the blast containing several vacuum blades that tore through the arena as they streaked towards the Kumo Shinobi at high speed. Omoi was barely able to make several hand seals as the gale slammed into him, but it was enough to activate a Kawarimi, allowing him to safely substitute with a log that was subsequently destroyed.

Temari quickly checked her surroundings before spinning and bringing her fan up to block a strike from Omoi's katana. Unfortunately for her, the Kumo Shinobi had charged his weapon with Raiton Chakra and the energy shocked the Kunoichi, forcing her to drop her weapon before getting kicked in the gut, sending her flying back.

"Tricky bastard," said Temari as she pulled out several kunai.

Infusing the blades with Futon Chakra, Temari threw them at her opponent with deadly accuracy. Omoi quickly sheathed his katana and threw several of his own Kunai, aiming to deflect Temari's, but the Futon chakra coating the Kunoichi's blades sliced through Omoi's Kunai, forcing him to have to dodge out of the way to keep from getting impaled, giving Temari enough time to dive forward and grab her fan.

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