001. The Awakening :目覚め

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The Greek God stumbled as Kojiro proceeded to slash off his right arm. The blue-eyed God should have retreated, but his pride prevented him from doing so. 

In an unfathomable speed, he catches his right arm with his left. Kojiro's eyes widened in surprise. 

Even in this situation, he does not feel pain nor despair?  despite him being his opponent, the swordsman was deeply impressed. A worthy opponent indeed!  he smiled grimly. 

Raising his glowing Divine Weapon with his left arm, determined to make the Final Strike, he was off by a demisecond when Sasaki speedily sliced off his left arm.

The Warrior God's blue eyes blazed with pain and surprise, but he did not scream. 

How...Can a mere human reduce me to his?  was his rational thought as every second passed was Sasaki getting closer and closer to his Victory.

Still not giving up, the God held his Trident high, still determined to be Victor of the battle when Kojiro finishes him off in a dual X in the chest.

Poseidon dropped down, his upper body slashed into three separate body parts as blood slowly spread from his dismembered body. 

Somehow Poseidon was still conscious. He was less than the meanest ghost, the weakest spirit, but still alive. He was in unbearable pain. His stump where his arm was ached with pain. 

For some reason, he did not panic. He remained calm, just as he usually was. 

A god does not gather armies.  

He was tired and fed up of it. The load roar of the disgusting humans, the cheerful whoops of his foe, the sighs of dismay from his worthless bottom feeder Gods. He wished they would just shut up. He would have covered his ears, but he didn't have arms.

Arghhhh... How did he, a true God, end up this way?

A god does not scheme.

Hatred boiled inside him like acid, running through his veins like poison and Poseidon was searching for a way to vent it out. Poseidon had lost the all of his six senses, existing an infinitesimal more than a soul, but he could sense that damnable samurai was celebrating his Victory. And that Valkyrie...Oh how he would rip her. He cannot rip her, but he can rip him.

And the other Gods...He could hear his brother Zeus nonchalantly saying,  "The human was stronger than Poseidon. That is all." His anger tightened it's grip in somewhere in Poseidon's chest, maybe where his heart was . He heard Shiva storming and thundering in the Hall, Loki's amused chuckling and  Ares's apparent disbelief. 

A god does not need support.

Aaah...he wanted to see Hades one last time. His brother...and apologize to leave him like this. In all his existence, a part of him perhaps wanted to spend some time with the only one he cared about. His brother was like an idol to him, shining the path to him.

He remembered... the swordsman once said: "Have you ever lost yourself, and found you trained until the sun rose? Have you ever cried, tears of gratitude for those that made you stronger? Have you ever felt, love towards your opponent in a fight to the death?"

"I guess not, huh?"

"That seems like a pretty pathetic existence to me. "

and perhaps he was right.

A god is a perfect being that has attained perfection from the very start.

Suddenly, it became quiet in his mind. The stamping and hubbub of the Gods and Humans fell silent. He was alone in the presence of his calm mind.

A pathetic existence, huh? Poseidon could name a thousand things he has done: fight, destroy, annihilate. In all his life, he felt like something was missing. Something important, and it made him incomplete, as if he had a hole in his heart. He was often called the God of the Sea, but what he was truly was a God of Dearth. 

But he'd never looked for it. Perhaps he had been dead from he moment he was born. The samurai's words made him ponder. In his 13.8 billion years of existence, what has he done? 

He thought and thought. He had done nothing. An empty existence indeed. Oh, how the mighty has fallen!

At that moment, a realization like a water ripple tapped in his mind. And that was the vastness was the wide universe. What posturing amoebas! What enormous Big Blue Whales! Even Earth and Valhalla was a tiny speck in the infinite cosmos. And that still might be a single hair of a ginormous being. In the unlimited space and time, a God was truly very puny indeed. 

He was lucky to exist in the matter and content of space in his whole body and soul. He was a Traveler, a Traveler in space. The God wondered if any being, Human or God, ever thought about this before. He supposed it's only Godly and Human nature to add and substract from their memories; to recall them the way they feel they should be remembered.

Human lives are a millisecond compared to all the light years of the infinite space. Poseidon only realized now how many things he hasn't done. He wanted to experience more. He wanted to do more things in his infinite life. Wouldn't it be a shame to end it now?

He could live forever. Poseidon at this moment realized how fortunate he was. He was a God. He could live forever! He laughed happily at this thought. 

That is, if he survives this.

At that moment, something evoked in the God. Something dormant, but now wide awake. You see, every God and Human has it's hidden potential. Once you reach so high you thought you could not reach higher, the sky breaks and reveals a whole new world to explore. Most people just keep on knocking and scratching at the ceiling above them, but Poseidon broke through it. Because the limits cannot be simply broken by rigorous training. It must be broken by experience.

Once, a very clever man said, "Experience cannot be created. It must be underwent."

Snapped from his dilemma, Poseidon's eyelids fluttered and opened to reveal glowing blue eyes. He did not think. He was supposed to be dead. But he wasn't.  

"What the..." Hermes said when he saw Poseidon wide awake, now reattaching his arms.

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