Special chapter: The commanders scout (Short)

Depuis le début

"At ease everyone." The woman said.

"C-Captain Selen... how are you so calm in this situation?" The moderator asked.

"Simple really... because HE is already on route to the battle... and you can assure any fight he enters... he will make sure that he is the only one to leave." Selen said with a smirk.

"'He' who is 'He'?... w-wait don't tell me it's-" the moderator said.

'Yep that would be me Ms. moderator.' A voice from the intercom said.

"N-No way... i-is that the field scout?" The moderator asked.

"You certainly took your time... Ey Lune?" Selen said.

'Hey give me a break will you, you told me to scout a Haitier colony that was on the other side of the globe, you didn't even pick me up.' The voice sad.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll compensate for it later... just save my Dragoons... ok." Selen said.

'Consider it done Captain.' Lune said as his line cut off.

In the battle field

The Dragoons -a military group that answers specifically to Selen- were being pushed back, miraculously all 15 of them are still alive and fighting, however if help doesn't arrive in the next few minutes then their fates will be sealed.

"C-Captain? Energy reserves are at 25% we can't keep going on!" One of the dragoons called as he slashed a small Haitier.

"Stand strong men, team A-P3X have been deployed, we need to stay strong! FOR THE PEOPLE! FOR THE FLEET! FOR THE COMMANDER!" The captain yelled.

"YEAAAAH!" The other Dragoons screamed as a fire was lit under their bellies.

4 knives were then thrown from atop a cliff that they were overlooking, the knives hit the head of 4 other Haitiers instantly killing them, the Dragoons looked above and saw a man in modified military armour that has the helmet turned to that of a wolf, it has a metallic grey colour with some silver and red highlights here and there, the mysterious man then jumped down doing a roll to break his fall then throwing another 3 knives killing more minsters.

4 knives were then thrown from atop a cliff that they were overlooking, the knives hit the head of 4 other Haitiers instantly killing them, the Dragoons looked above and saw a man in modified military armour that has the helmet turned to that of a...

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"You guys as still just as passionate and rowdy, you really are Selens men." A voice said.

"S-SIR LUNE IS HERE!" The captain yelled in gless as the others began to chant 'Sir Lune'.

"Guys I told you to not call me Sir... it makes it sound like your chanting Sirloin... which I can go for right now actually... but that's besides the point, Captain status report please." Lune said as he faced the squad.

"We have no more meds and food sir, our vehicle is damaged beyond repair, we have 7 out of 15 injured men and women, our power outputs are teetering over 25 to 10% sir... if you didn't make it here then we would have lost some people already." The captain said.

A sheep in wolf's clothing (Selen Tatsuki[Nijisanji EN] x OC) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant