Chapter 01: Help wanted, help needed

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Lune PoV

I have seen plenty of strange things during my time of... well living, and I saw plenty of strange stuff, met some strange people... but nothing could ever compare to the strangeness of this entire company, there were creatures here that I only read in books, and all of them were wearing fancy suits, sitting behind desks, and answering phone calls, albeit seeing a minotaur in real life is cooler than seeing it on a book that is about to fall off.

"You seem perplexed boy'o, are you alright?" The man asked me.

"I just haven't seen THIS many creatures in one place... kinda impressive actually." I replied as I saw a spider woman holding 4 phones.

"Make yourself comfortable." Grant said as we arrived at his desk.

I did as I was told and sat on one of the 2 chairs, I took my bag off my back and placed it on the ground.

"So like I said before, my name is Grant Vein, I am in charge of helping people like you get settled and back on their feet, now son, first things first... lets find you a place to call your own." Grant said as he looked at me with a smile.

"That's gonna be hard considering I don't have any form of credentials on me." I responded.

"... You have zero credentials on ye?" He asked.

"Nope." I responded.

"Not even a school ID?" He asked.

"I never went to school." I responded.

"Library card?" He asked once more.

"I lived in the forest and mountains all my life, where the heck would I find a library?" I asked.

"Thats fair... hmmm... well I can help you with that... here just write your name here, and I'll come to your home and bring you your credentials." Grant said.

"Just my name? No signature or anything?" I asked.

"Nope just your full name, and a picture of course." He added.

"Ok... but you said you'll bring it to my home? But I am currently homeless." I responded.

"Ah don't ye worry 'bout that... oh and it would seem that the solution just conveniently walked it right now, Amelia, here!" The Grant called out.

I looked behind me and saw a girl with blond hair wearing detective clothing, she wore mostly khaki and dark brown colours, she has a... uhhh... fit body shape and deep blue eyes, she looked towards our direction and smiled as she walked towards us.

"Sir Grant, hello there." She said with a smile on her face.

"Hello to you as well deary, what brings you here?" Grant asked.

"I just solved a missing mermaid case, just came by to report it, turns out she just got lost in the city, forgot to call her friends, and got too immersed at looking at... umm... how do I say this?... she was looking at eggs... I guess." She replied with a wryly smile.

"That degenerate mermaid always gets herself into too much trouble." Grant said as she massaged his temple.

Her eyes then wandered at me, we locked eyes for a second before I look away and turn to face Grant.

"Hey Sir Grant, who's this?" She asked.

"Ah right, Amelia this is Lune Castor, I found him lost and confused 30 minutes ago, Lune this is Amelia Watson, she is a local detective." Grant said.

"Tsk tsk tsk I am not JUST a detective my dear Sir Grant, I am Also... A TIME TRAVELER!" Amelia said as she posed with a silver and gold watch in her hand.

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