Chapter 24: Speeches

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Short pov from Ash:

I can't believe it.

She finally admitted that she likes me.

God, if only I didn't have this fvcking stupid speech I have to give. I would take Gigi home, if I could even make it through the car ride, then fvck her until her legs were broken. I was craving her. So strongly you would think I was Edward, craving her blood. But I was craving her touch. Her moans. Her voice. Her body. Her mind. Her personality. Everything. Her. 

I wanted her.

Sighing, I brush a hand through my hair. 

I see Gigi bite her lip and I almost pin her against the wall again, but we're in front of one of the only humans I have ever loved. 

My mother.



His mother was a spitting image of Ash himself. She was tall, dark, and had piercing eyes like him. She looked cold and reserved until she sees me.

She erupts into a big smile, instantly transforming her face, and making her seem 20 years younger. Her eyes shine, her face beaming.


He brushes a hand through his hair and I bite my lip.

Fvck. Does he even have to try?

He looks at my lips and his eyes darken. 

Oh, the things he must be thinking.

His mother pulls him into a hug, making him smile boyishly.


She grins. "How are you, baby?"

"Good, mom. How are you?" He smiles gently.

"I'm great! I've met the most amazing guy. Obviously, I need your approval first, so can we go meet him? He's here."

He looks at me, standing in the darkness backstage. This causes his mother to look my way again. 

"Oh, honey! I forgot! This must be Gigi, right?" She looks at me, warm and comforting.

"Darling, you are very pretty indeed. You look like an unusual combination. Are you mixed?" 

I smile. "Yeah. You must be Ash's mother." 

"I am, indeed." She winks at Ash. "So, this is your girlfriend?"

"Yes." Ash looks at me, with a pointed look in his eyes.

Oh right, we were pretending. 

"Yeah, I am." I blush a little, remembering the position we were in less than a minute ago. Ash seems to realize what I was thinking because he smirks at me from behind his mother.

"Do you know that you are one of the only girls that have been able to tame him? He's a nuisance." She shakes her head, tutting.

"Well, I say, if you're going to be a d!ck, at least be a hot one." I laugh. Ash smirks, his eyes trailing a blaze of fire down my spine.

She laughs. "Oh, I already like you. Ash, honey, you're due for your speech in 5." 

"Oh, yeah. I'll go practice now. Leave you and my girlfriend alone." He winks at her. He likes saying that way too much already.

As he walks past me, secretly, in the darkness of the curtains, he brushes his hand briefly in mine, letting his long fingers drag across my wrist and fingers. A shiver crawls up my spine. Why was that so hot? It was his hand touching my hand. Basically nothing.

Yet, it felt like everything.

Crap, will I be able to get through this prom without tearing his clothes off? 

I can't fvcking wait to get him alone.


Ash goes onto the stage in 10 minutes, so I'm left with his mother for a while.

He shouldn't be off doing God knows what, he should be fvcking me right now.

Woah, bit aggressive there.

Calm down. He can fvck you later.

I bite my lip at the thought of it.

"So, darling, how's school? I bet you actually pay attention, unlike some of Ash's exes."

I laugh. "Yeah, my mother used to pressure me about grades, but now that I'm in college, I have more drive to work harder." 

More like a sex drive.

For Ash.

"I want to travel, eat good food, buy nice things, so I have to make the money I want to. The only way to do that is to work." I continue, no longer fazed by my crazy thoughts.

"Very good. I can tell you are going to be successful. You are independent and I can tell you are stubborn. I'm sure you will be able to afford those things once you work hard enough." She smiles, impressed.

"Thanks. I sure hope I will."


Later, Ash walks onto the stage. He stands at the podium, replacing the principal that was talking before.

"Dear weird strangers that I don't know," He starts. "I am from Blue Stars College, and I would love to waste 2 minutes of your time telling you about my school."

A timer is now on the projector behind him. It's a timer counting down 2 minutes.

"This school has the best sports facilities, we have 3 gyms, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, and a rock climbing wall. If you are more into the arty stuff, we have art classrooms, filled with the most premium paint, or whatever you Picasso's use. If you are a dramatic person and like drama, the drama teacher who teaches that course is extra dramatic, so you're in for a treat. You can pick up to 30 courses when you first join us, and later into your 2nd year, you choose 4 or 5 or even 6 if you're super smart, and you work on those courses until you graduate."

He takes a breath, eyeing me in the crowd.

"This school socially is very good. You meet a variety of different people, who have grown up differently from you and have different experiences from you." He smirks. "Who knows, you could score a very hot girlfriend from there, too."

His mother, who had introduced herself as Angeline, scoffs beside me.

"He does like you, doesn't he? He's not reading his script anymore. But I suppose everyone still loves him. He's a natural at this."

I giggle, agreeing with her. "Yeah, he is." 

Ash catches my eye in the crowd and winks, very obviously, at me. Everyone scans the crowd, looking for who he winked to, and everyone smiles and simpers over us.

Even though this is a fake relationship for tonight only.

I roll my eyes, and he bites his lip, hiding a smile.

Oh, hell no.

I will jump onto that stage.

His full lip is sucked in his mouth, and there is a little grin peeking out.



Just fvcking fvck the fvck out of me fvcking already.

His lip pops back out, a little redder, and he finishes his speech. I zone out though, thinking about his fvcking delicious lips.

"Thank you for letting me waste 2 minutes of your life. Goodbye." He salutes and walks off of the stage.

Thank God.

Now we can leave.



the tension brooo

she just can't wait, can she??

read onnnn

red xx

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