Chapter 15: Short Texts

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Ash <3:
The next day:

I yawn, and stretch, feeling refreshed from my sleep. I brush my teeth, getting ready for my first lecture of the day. I chuck a shirt on and grab my phone, going to the kitchen. I pour a bowl of cereal and go through all of my notifications. I realize that I have a lot of text messages.

From an unknown number.

Okay, a little weird. I open the messages, and read them, expecting a scammer. I almost laugh when I realize who it was.

Unknown Number: hi
Unknown Number: it's G
Unknown Number: we need to meet up 
Unknown Number: i have something to tell you
Me: oh my gosh is that you Geronimo Stilton?
Me: i'd love to meet up with you. you could hook me up with Thea ;)

Before Gigi can reply, I save her number and put her name down as Geronimo.

Unknown Number < Geronimo

Geronimo: shut the f8ck up
Geronimo: it's Gigi
Geronimo: also, do you have a mouse kink? you like Thea? i mean... if you're into that...
Geronimo: i can find a rat in the trash for you to kiss
Geronimo: that would be up to your standards
Me: i'm hurt
Me: and i do not have a mouse kink
Me: well maybe only for Thea
Geronimo: whatever.
Geronimo: will you meet up with me?
Me: of course, princess
Geronimo: 🙄
Geronimo: library okay?

I smile as I type back yes, and change her name to Princess G.

Geronimo < Princess G

Princess G: wanna know how i got your number in the first place?
Me: enlighten me, your highness
Princess G: apparently, my sister's been texting your brother
Me: wow really
Me: my brother's dating game is better than mine
Princess G: i don't find that hard to believe
Me: you could find out
Princess G: 🖕
Me: 😏



this chapter was really short, only because i wanted you guys to see into their texts

next chapter will be a longer one


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