Chapter 10: Drunk Ex (Part 1)

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I drink a beer next. I don't want to get too drunk, especially not with my sister around. I think back to my high school days when Alice and I would get so smashed, that we had to call Jadi and Peyton to help us. I smile against the beer can in memory. Our little group was currently having a conversation about why you should not shower 2 times a day. I zoned out for a while, thinking about high school. I only notice Ash and Jadi casually glancing at me every few minutes. I send them an 'I'm not getting drunk' look and that shuts them up before they can say anything. 

Besides, I don't know why Ash gives two sh*ts about whether I get drunk or not. I didn't care about whether he did or didn't. I sigh inwardly when I realized I was lying, but it must have been outwardly too because Aaron stops speaking and looks at me.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asks worriedly. 

I smile and nod. "I won't get drunk after 2 drinks, Aaron."

Peyton smirks. "You should see how many drinks it does take for her to become drunk."

I shrug and take a sip of the water next to me. I'm pretty sure it's Jadi's but she doesn't mind. The next song plays and I jump up. "Oh my God, this is the best song. Come dance with me." I look at Peyton and she immediately shakes her head. Jadi and Alice smile and nod though, so they come with me. Aaron says he'll pass and Ash breaks into a passionate paragraph.

"I am not dancing with three girls I barely know. I will dance with girlfriends, friends, and family, but not three random-" 

I cut him off. "Yeah, yeah. Just say no, Shakespeare."

He rolls his eyes. "No."

I grin. "Thanks. Oh, hold my drink." As I squirm my way around the table and towards the dance floor, I hand him my drink. "Don't drug it." I wink.

He laughs. "Yeah, right. If I wanted to get with you, I wouldn't need to drug you." 

My blood stills. Then rushes to my face. I beg that he doesn't see it because of the blue lights flashing everywhere. "Whatever, Logan." I manage to get out. I turn and leave.

15 minutes later, Alice and I are still dancing. Jadi had to sit down. I look around and am vaguely aware of a couple of guys checking me out. However, I am fully aware of several guys checking Alice out. Since she was single, I smirk at her and shout over the music. 

"Brunette over there in the blue shirt is hot." 

She looks to where I was pointing and in return, the guy smiles. "I'll take that as your cue to go over there." I shove her lightly over to where he was and when she turns to glare at me, I smile sweetly.

I turn back to our table and walk over. I notice my drink by Aaron, who was talking to Maia, Peyton, and Jadi. "Thanks for looking after my drink."

"No problem."

I don't want to ask. I shouldn't ask. I will not ask. I could not ask.


Welp. I am asking apparently.

"Know where your brother is?" I ask.

Aaron smiles knowingly and I raise my eyebrow menacingly. His smile falters a little, but his eyes are still laughing. "He met some blonde chick. They went outside."

I don't know why, but my blood boils a little at hearing that. I paste on a smile for everyone else's sake. "Oh, little Ash getting some action tonight?" I smirk.

Aaron bursts out in laughter. "My brother would kill you upon hearing that." 

I see Maia smile very big at his fancy words and I smile too. "Cute. Well anyways, I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back." I start to walk in that direction but quickly remember something. I waltz back to them.

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