Chapter 16: The Favor

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^^ (that's Maia, you'll see) ^^

Gigi <3:

The next day, I woke up in my beloved dorm room, with an unusually energetic Maia jumping on my bed. Grumbling, I push her off. She trips but just hops on again.

"Agh, f*ck off, Maia. It's too early."

"No, you need to wake up. There's someone at the door!"

At hearing this, I immediately grow conscious. "Someone- who?"

"Someone whose name begins with A, and ends in sh. Oh, and rhymes with rash."

"He is a rash." I groan, getting up from bed. As I stumble to the door, I examine myself in the mirror that was hooked on it. My pajamas were embarrassing. Really short shorts and an oversized black shirt that said 'F*CK OFF I'M SLEEPING.'

I huff as I pull open the door. I glare at him.

"Is that any way to look at your future teammate, sleeping beauty?"

I scowl.

He chuckles and his eyes scan me from head to toe. He grins when he notices how much of my legs are exposed. I almost blush but my annoyance kicks in.

"What the f*ck do you want? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes. It's 6:30." He glances at his phone. "6:36 to be precise."

"I can see that. It's pitch black outside."

"We were supposed to meet at the library."

"Yeah, at lunch or something, not six in the bloody morning!"

"I can tell you're not a morning person."

"Really." I stare, heatedly. "You don't even live here, why did you drive all the way? When's your first lecture?"

"At 8:00."

"Then why'd you come?"

"Because I need to tell you something. Can I come in? Or should I f*ck off like your shirt is telling me to?"

"I'd prefer it if you f*cked off-" I'm about to say something else when Maia barges in.

"No, she'd like you to come into the room, sit down, and have a drink." She smiles.

I glare at her, about to protest when Ash smiles slowly. "You heard the lady." And he walks in, leaving me by the door.

He takes a seat at the window bench and gladly takes the energy drink that Maia offers.

Popping it open, he takes a sip, licking his lips. Those same lips pull into a smirk as he sees me watching them. I rapidly glance away and look at Maia.

"I'll leave you two alone then." And with a cheeky smile, she backs out of the room. I stalk up to him and glare.

"What was so important that you needed to drive over just to tell me?"

He smiles and digs his hand into his hoodie pocket. Yeah, a hoodie. With the hood over his messy bed hair, he looked like he had just gotten out of bed. From a foot away, I could smell the mint of his mouthwash and could smell his freshly sprayed cologne.

He cusps whatever it was in his hand and holds it out to me, slowly stretching his long fingers out, revealing what was in it.

My earrings.

The glittery hoops I had worn the night before. I must have taken them off when I was washing my face.

"Oh," I say, speechless as he stands up and steps closer to me. I put my hand palm up, motioning for him to give it to me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 ☑️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora