Chapter 6: Money

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Back to Gigi <3

As we recover from the big crash, I look at what had flown right into our food.

I hear Peyton groan as she mumbles about the food.

"Sh*t!" Jadi swears.

"I agree. What the hell?" Alice cries.

"I think it's a drone," I mutter.

"A drone? Like one of those flying thingies?" Alice puzzles.

"Yeah. Who even flies those anymore? Oh, and who the hell was so dumb to crash it right into our food?" I huff.

I hear footsteps coming up behind me and I turn around. My jaw falls to the ground.

"Ash?" I raise my eyebrows sardonically. 

"Who are you calling dumb?" 

"Did you crash the drone?" Jadi asks, arms crossed.


"Then, yeah, I was calling you dumb." I snap.

"Look, it was my brother. You know you'll have to pay for the damages."

Peyton's eyes widen, watching the drama.

"You want us to pay when we didn't even crash it?" Alice exclaimed.

"Well, you guys were in the way." He rubs his neck.

I hate him at that moment, for looking so unbelievably vulnerable. Like a sore puppy. It was crazy to think this guy had beat up people so bad they had to quit school. I remember one case of a guy who called his mother a 'lonely, fat witch who no one would ever want to f*ck.' Ash beat him up so bad, that he couldn't even talk after. Yet he was so annoying in class. So was his friend group. If that's even what you want to call it. They were a group of monkeys. Stupid ones. 

I roll my eyes. "How were we in the way? We were minding our own business until you decided to crash."

He smirks. "Good joke."

I want to slap him. I give him my best death glare and he stops smiling. 

"Look, okay. How about I take the drone away, and you can go on to having your nice little picnic?" He says it so mockingly I think Horrid Henry was offended. 

"Uh, you ruined our food though." Peyton points out, looking at the splatter of cakes and crushed cans.

"Yeah, you owe us lunch." Alice blows out an irritated breath.

"Fine. I'll give you a hundred bucks." He gets out his wallet.

"Each." I counter jokingly.

He glares at me. "No. Who do you think I am?"

"Do you really want me to answer that? Give us the money."

He puts his wallet back into his pocket and steps closer to me. "That's a little presumptuous, isn't it Gigi?" 

Ugh, why do I like the way my name rolls off his tongue? He's dumb. Think of all the reasons you hate him. He's a player, who broke my friend Layla's heart. He hangs out with idiots. He is an idiot. He's not that good-looking. No way. He's a d*ck to the teachers and thinks he owns the place just because he has daddy's money. 

Okay good. Back to hating him. Every time I think he's not that bad, he proves me wrong.

"No. Not when you go around flaunting it." I smile sweetly.

He steps a step closer. We're now a foot away from each other but I'm uncomfortable already. He sighs and steps back in defeat. He scans the group, eyeing Maia. "Hey. You."

Maia looks at him. "What."

"You're in my brother's class at high school. I've seen you."

"Yeah, so."

"Mmh. Nothing." He looks at me slyly. 

I breathe out in annoyance. It sounds impatient. As it should be.

"What?" I roll my eyes.

"You do that a lot." He scans my face.

"Do what, Ash?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Roll your eyes."

"No, I only save it for special occasions," I remark. "Are you going to give us money for the food or are we going to stand here all day?"

"I'm not paying you."

He looks at the group again. Then he looks straight at me as he says:

"I'm taking you guys out for dinner."



sorry i can't help it

they are already so cute

i mean literally

can't wait for dinner!

also, does Ash know a little secret about Maia??



red x

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