Chapter 8: Crushes

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Ash picks Jadi and Alice up first, then Peyton. The five of them, including Aaron, knock on our door. 

I open it and grin at my friends. Jadi is wearing a cute skirt and crop top, Alice is wearing jeans and a glittery top, and Peyton is wearing cool-looking baggy pants and a sweater. 

"Wow Peyton, you've dressed up," Maia says sarcastically. 

I barely hear her.

Aaron is wearing a nice shirt, but I don't look twice at him. Ash is standing before me, in a fitted hoodie and jeans, his hair naturally messy. I smell his cologne and I am pissed to say I am massively turned on by it. I used to wear my ex's cologne and wear his hoodies. Guys wearing hoodies were just, AGH. I loved it. How the hell did he know? Or he didn't. I mean, guys wearing hoodies are pretty normal. He didn't know. No way.

"Crap. Am I overdressed?" I mumble, staring at Ash.

I almost slap myself.

Snap out of it. He's a d*ck. REMEMBER?

"No, I think you're fine." Aaron answers for Ash.

He looks over at his brother, and I turn to Ash too. I'm shocked to see that he was looking at me.



I can't stop staring. I mean, Gigi is attractive, and everyone knows it, but her in that dress...

I don't like her like that though. I think. I mean, she could be a real b*tch sometimes. She had a close-knit friend group filled with Starbucks, candy, and sarcastic remarks. The girls I'm into have big friend groups, are clingy, and wear too much makeup... 

...okay, that's not my type. Those are the type of girls I attract. None of them were sophisticated. Or had an interesting personality. They were plastic dolls and that was it. Hence my reputation for being a 'bad boy player'. What a ridiculous thing to be known for.

I snap out of my thoughts and realize I haven't said anything yet. 

"You look fine. It's not like anyone will be gawking at you." I mentally shoot myself. Why? Other girls would have laughed, and touched my arm. But Gigi just glared at me. She really can be scary, but it doesn't work on me. Her eyes are too pretty. So dark, almost black, and glossy all the time.

"No wonder you came dressed like that. You barely even tried." she snaps.

Sometimes we talk in class, but only because I say something stupid, and she replies and we yap at each other. 

"I don't have to try. Perfection comes naturally to me." I smirk, can't help it.

She rolls her eyes and huffs out a breath, bringing my attention to her lips. Not too thick, but still plump and pronounced. They were the perfect shade of pink too. I imagine- Woah. WOAH. Did I just imagine...

Gross. What am I thinking? My night cap must have gotten to me. I shake my head and start walking to the car park, where my Mercedes is parked. It's an SUV, so we have plenty of room. After the others caught up, I hop in the driver's seat, with Aaron in the passenger. There were 3 girls in the backseat and 2 girls in the very back. They must have split up so the person in the back didn't have to be alone. I see Gigi through the rearview mirror, chatting with Peyton and Maia in the middle seats. Jadi and Alice are in the very back. 

Her relationship with Peyton is very amusing. They tease and make fun of each other all the time. It's quite hilarious.

All the girlfriends I've had could barely make it through a conversation without touching me, licking my ear most disgustingly. I never found myself wanting more. One night and I was bored, they were just plain girls to me. Aaron has had fewer relationships than me but has still had plenty of hookups. 

It's shocking to me that he's my little brother, but he's still 18. While the girls are talking in the back I decided to question Aaron about this Maia girl. I've seen the way he looked at her. It's the way my dad used to look at my mom. 



"How do you know that Maia kid?"

"She's in my classes."

I nod, smirking.

"Stop." He glares.

"What?" I take my hands off the wheel. "I ain't doing nothing."

"Drive, you idiot." 

I grab hold of the wheel and turn to him again. 

"You like her, don't you?" 

"No." He says way too quickly. "You like Peyton right?"

Hah. "No. She's not my type. Now stop changing the subject."

"What do you mean, she's not your type? She's blonde. You like Alice right?" 

"No. She's Gigi's friend. Now. Stop. Changing. The. Subject."

"Ohh, so you like Gig-"

"Stop. Answer my question." I cut him off before he finishes his question.

He sighs, head down. "I just can't get her out of my head. She's just so cute and funny and gorgeous and I can't have her and that angers me."

Only my brother says 'that angers me' and not 'I'm mad". 

"Wait, why can't you have her?" I'm confused.

"She- I don't know. Look at me."

I do. "What? You look like me, you'll be fine."

He sighs. "I crashed my drone into her food. Not a great first impression." 

"So? Who cares about first impressions?"

An idea suddenly strikes me as I pull into the parking lot of The Palace. I stop the car and as I get out, I realize who I have to talk to.





what's their couple's name???



Ash and Gigi get ~serious~

well, not really who's serious in this book 



red <3

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