Chapter 23: The General meeting

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My mind was consumed with the events I had witnessed earlier, making it difficult to concentrate on my work. The realization that the creatures I had only read about in books actually existed was mind-boggling. I had always believed that only werewolves, like myself, concealed their true nature from humans. But now, I had come face-to-face with the reality that vampires also walked among us.

'I felt a great sense of danger,' Nala whispered in the depths of my mind.

'Why?' I asked her, curiously.

'It felt like the vampire appeared purposely earlier. The way he looked at you...he meant it,' she responded.

Her idea unsettled me, but I knew it was merely speculation. But she was correct, the vampire had fixated his gaze on me earlier.

The Alpha noticed my quiet demeanor and began checking on me every hour. He sensed that something was amiss, even though I hadn't revealed what I had witnessed. Maybe I had misinterpreted the situation, but it felt impossible. My heightened senses and intuition were not mistaken.

It was nearing six o'clock in the evening, and I found myself in a state of speechlessness. The Alpha's words barely registered in my mind as he continued to give me instructions for my work. I mechanically followed his guidance without truly comprehending what I was doing.

"Sophia, please talk to me," the Alpha said, his voice jolting me from my thoughts. I realized he had been speaking to me for a while, but I hadn't heard a word. Nala seemed equally distant. I had momentarily forgotten that I was in the Alpha's car, en route to the pack village.


"Eros, please," he corrected gently, taking hold of my hand and offering a comforting caress.

I swallowed hard and managed to say, "Eros..." I gave him a small nod, attempting to convey that I was okay.

"Are you alright? I've been worried about your restlessness. Is something bothering you, Sophia?" His eyes darted between me and the road, as he needed to remain attentive in driving.

I took a deep breath. My mate sensed that I had something on my mind, and his wolf also expressed concern for me. Perhaps it was time to tell him. "I have a question."

"O-Oh?" he stammered, surprised by my statement.

Ignoring his reaction, I continued, "You've lived longer than me. Are there other supernatural creatures, like us, who interact with humans?"

His eyes narrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, puzzled.

I took another deep breath and confessed, "I saw a vampire."

He remained silent, focusing on the road as he accelerated towards the pack village. He didn't provide an immediate answer, but his unusual reaction left me perplexed. I didn't press for a response, and instead, he asked, "Would it be alright if we head straight to the packhouse?"

Frowning, I wondered why he was changing our plans, but ultimately, I nodded. "S-Sure."

Upon arriving at the packhouse, I couldn't comprehend his actions. He summoned a general meeting, and the Elders were in attendance. Since our earlier conversation, he hadn't addressed my question. He paced back and forth inside the pack office, while the council members observed him.

Beta advised me not to push him when he displayed such behavior. Even Beta seemed bewildered by the Alpha's actions. I worried that I had done something to displease him, but the impromptu meeting suggested otherwise.

Soon, all the pack members in high positions congregated in the main hall. As an Omega, I felt uneasy, unsure if the other council members were aware of the Alpha's desire for me to become the Luna of our pack.

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