Trash Taste?

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Ben's POV:

I'm sitting on our new couch, pretty comfy, but I'm more focused on the news.

Usually, I hate the stuff, but since mutant dog people are running around, I've gotta figure out what's going on.

But my train of thought crashes the "UGH" car on the track.

Alex: Ugh.


Alex: Ben, you didn't do the dishes!

Ben: I-I just ate... It's fine they're in soapy water. I'll do them after the news.

Alex:(sigh)... You really are a slob.


I watch her grab the trash, which, due to the bottles inside, were extra heavy.

Alex:(sigh)...(mumbles) I miss weightless trash.


Oh no... D-does she means...

"I miss weightless trash" = "I miss G-Zero"?!

Ben: GHA!

I rush up to Alex and take the trash from her.

Ben: L-Let me do it!

Alex: O-okay...?

Dashing out of the apartment, I head to the trash shoot, dumping my bag.




I punch the wall.

Ben: Am I really that much of a slob!?

Thinking back on it now, I usually let stuff be until I can do it all at once.

But a superstar like her has higher standards.

Damn it! I bet G-Zero was a clean freak. Plus his ability to make things weightless... How am I supposed to compare to that!?

Okay... Calm down... This one little thing... You can get past it.

Only if you never make a mess again.

Yes. From this point, NO MESS shall be made by me- no I must go further!

No mess shall ever be made in front of me- yeah, that's a bit too far.

I'm just going to be anti-sob.

(Opening theme)

I have the day off, so while Alex is auditioning for a new role, it's time for me to get my clean on!

First with the dishes.

Ben: Hm-hm♪ and...

Ben: Wait for it...

Ben:... Done.


Ben: Can you wax dishes?

Some googling later, I'm off vacuuming the floors. Had to move every bit of furniture to get every spec of dust.

I found some stains under the rug, thus I polished the floor. Record time I might add! Bet G-Zero couldn't beat my record...

If we don't use superpowers because that is cheating.

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