15~Something Soft

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"Usman, drop her off at her place," Kachi said immediately they were back in the parking lot.

Rose's eyes shot to him and she hissed. "Why are you dropping me off? Why are we leaving so soon? I thought we were going to your place after?"

"Then should I have left you here on your own?" he snapped, then got into the car behind her. "Usman go."

"So we won't spend the night together?" She had lowered her voice and her fingers began trailing his thigh.

"I have things to do, Rose. We'll find time and hang later."

"It's been months," she screeched, her fingers tightening to grip his thigh.

"Bring your voice down, woman." He narrowed his eyes at her before shaking off her hold on his leg.

"I can't even remember what sex with you feels like, Kachi. Why are you doing this to me?" She was sobbing now and Kachi hated the tears the most.

"I'm not stopping you from having sex with whomever you like, just be safe."

"What?" she yelled, her eyes flashing. Her lids were currently dry so those were not even tears. This woman should have taken up acting as a career course.

"Rose, please let me rest. I need energy to work tonight." With that he toned her out and shut his eyes, all the while his heart was racing. What was wrong with his father? Why was the man hell-bent on upending his carefully thought out life.

Kachi's mind couldn't settle and he needed a distraction, something to take his mind off things till he was ready to process the barrage of feelings.

"She's gone sir. Where do I take you next?" Usman's voice traveled through the trance-like state he'd fallen in. He hadn't even noticed the car coming to a stop to drop Rose, that was how deep into his thoughts Kachi was.

"Let's go to that club," Kachi said. He knew where to get the perfect distraction; this dancer girl had been effectively distracting him all day. If she could do it from far away, it was certain that if he was around her, he wouldn't have the luxury of time or the headspace to stress about tonight's events.

"Ok sir," Usman said, already knowing just where. Kachi appreciated the capability of his driver.

Remembering that he'd asked Tope to check something for him, he pulled out his phone and dialed her. She answered almost immediately.

"Good evening sir."

"Evening Tope. How far what I asked you yesterday? Were you able to look into the account?"

"Three years ago, she'd taken a low interest loan, the one for SMEs. The loan was initially five million naira, if you include the accrued interest over three years and the penalties she had to pay for defaulting for over a year, it's a total of ten million, sir."

"Hmm. That's a lot and we no longer give such high amounts to people without a steady stream of income right?"

"Yes sir. When she'd taken the loan, she'd been working at a government agency and we deducted from her salary. She stopped a few months later and that was when she began defaulting. It wasn't until last year before the payments started again and she has been making irregular payments ever since."

"And you allowed that?" He was confused now. After she'd stopped her stable job, the usual step was to give her time to get another stable job or call in the collateral.

"Well, yes. Since these past two years, she'd been able to clear a good portion of the loan. When she was a civil servant, it was barely making a dent."

"Just how much is left of her loan?"

"Seven million naira," Tope reported.

"How's that making a dent, Tope? At this rate, she'll be paying the loan off for the rest of her life." Kachi sighed in frustration. He could feel a headache coming and he wasn't even inside the loud club yet. Tope said nothing in reply to his rheoterical question.

"Thank you, Tope." He ended the call, just in time to see Usman pull into the parking lot of the club.


"I'll pay you overtime," Odogwu pleaded as he followed her towards the changing room. "Just this night's shift. You can take tomorrow off."

"This is becoming a habit, sir. I'm very tired and all I want to do is sleep. I can't imagine wearing these heels for another five hours."

"Help me out one time, Aria. I don't know why Yemi took today off. One of your colleagues also called in sick so we're missing two servers for tonight."

Aria sighed. "fine. But you won't see my brakelight tomorrow and I'll screen your calls."

And that was how she found herself in the club this night when she was supposed to be home resting. The extra earning didn't do much to lift her mood as she hefted drinks and glasses around the club. It was past twelve so she only had to work for two more hours, she consoled herself.

After depositing the glass and drinks to the table in the far end of the club, she caught an arm waving her over from the VIP area and smiled. VIP meant rich customers and rich customers meant huge tips. She nimbly made her way over, a pleasant smile on her lips.

It was just her luck that Kachi was the one seated at the booth. Was she destined to see this man everyday for the rest of her life?

"Good evening sir," she called over the loud music. He nodded his head and stared at her, not saying anything. "what would you like to drink?"

"Something soft, I have to work tonight." His voice was low and measured, hearing was a testament to how much she was leaning close to him. "What do you suggest?"

"We have yoghurts and other soft drinks." She pulled out the small drink menu in her skirt pocket and stretched it to him. He took it, his fingers grazing hers and Aria stiffened, then melted almost immediately.

He didn't look down at the menu but continued to stare at her. "Are you okay?"

Nothing went past the man's observant eyes. He had seen how she had reacted to that simple touch. Aria could only imagine how that hand touching her in other places would feel. It had been so long since she'd been touched so she blamed that for her reaction and shook her head to remove the distracting thoughts.

"I'm fine sir."


Is she fine though?? She's clearly attracted to Kachi 😂

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