Chapter Seventy Four, Your Love Makes my Heart Stop

Start from the beginning

He hugged me before standing aside with a hand on my shoulder for support. I looked over the sea of people and picked out every little detail, like corsages and ties and tattoos. Old wounds and scars, piercings and painted bails, everything fancy and mbeautiful in our luxurious wedding. I felt queasy and dizzy, every possible bit of anxiety was trying its best to take me down. I leaned over to Edd and whispered. "You brought those tums things right?" I asked and he nodded, pulling a small bottle out of his pocket. He offered me two small fruity tablets, which I eagerly took and popped in my mouth. "Get ready, your.. bride will be out soon." He joked quietly and elbowed me. "Oi- even if he does wear a dress, I'd still think he'd be beautiful." I said sternly and Edd sighed. "I know buddy." He hummed and patted my shoulder. I watched the doorway excitedly, awaiting my handsome soon-to-be-husband to emerge. I wonder if he really will wear a dress... I know I said I wouldn't mind, but it might startle me a little. He's so naturally masculine, and culture taught me wrong. Ah, I guess I'll just see when it happens.

My heart sped up once the doors slowly opened and a black shoe first stepped out. Though Edd's joke made me think otherwise, he was wearing a lavish tuxedo of black silk and red lacing. He had a black rose tipped with red pinned on his chest, along with a red tie and black lacing on the edges. His sleeves were cuffed with polished obsidian cuffs. His small horns were visible just barely, with jewelry perched on them. Every little refined detail on him was gorgeous. He was being proudly escorted by Paul in a much simpler suit, plain black with a white dress shirt. He had a mischievous grin, something I rarely saw unless he was about to do his husband. Ew, I hope that's not the case for multiple reasons. Tord approached the alter with a shine in his eyes, but the same look of suspicious mischief was plastered on. Once he stood in front of me and let go of his dad, purring quietly. It's as if he couldn't contain himself. He happily reached out and held my hands while looking at me. "Why are you looking so suspicious?" I whispered. His grin sustained as he answered. "You'll see." He responded mysteriously and listened to the -non- religious officiator speak. I wasn't listening at all, I was too nervous about whatever he's hiding. I looked around and fidgeted, waiting to say our vows and the "I do's".

Time seemed so scary fast when Tord went through his vows. "Honey, are you ok?" He whispered and I looked up from my shoes. I looked at him and nodded, trying to remember my vows once he kept going. "And I never could have done any of this since the first day of kindergarten without my friends, and more importantly now my soon-to-be-husband. He was a very good rival to me for a very long time, despite his best efforts to off me." He snorted and I chuckled. Oh, yes, I definitely remember the many times I've tried to take him down. And he did go down, but by then it wasn't a rivalry. "And now I'm here to promise him my life, my money, my family, my possessions, my mind, and everything I own and have become. So.. I hope you don't mind me asking again, will you marry me? And all that jazz that comes with it in the legal contracts." He added and shrugged. I pulled him closer and squeezed his hands. "I-I um.. I.. I..." I choked on my words and sweated, trying to get my act together. Why is this so hard to do? I can't panic right now, shit. I know I should've taken meds or something to keep me calm.

"I.. I... Umm... I-." I nervously shook and scratched my neck. Tord wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "It's ok Thomas. Take your time." He whispered and held me close. I took a deep breath and hugged him, trying my best to relax and convince myself I can do it. I can say yes, I love him. I can do it. "I do. I do." I finally got out and sighed in relief. "I love you so much." I whispered and pulled away from him. He rubbed my cheek and slid his hand back down to mine. "Um.. I had a really huge vow thing ready, but as you can see I'm sort of a nervous wreck. So... Will you marry me Tord?" I asked and stared into his calming eyes. He had a sweet and sympathetic smile on his face as he spoke. "Of course I'll marry you my love." He hummed and squeezed my hands. Then came the rings, in the form of a cat. Ringo happily walked up to us with the guidance of Edd. She had a small pillow tied onto his back with rings resting on it. I bent down and picked up the rings, slowly slipping a beautiful garnet ring onto his finger. He took the other ring from my grip and held my hand, gently sliding the shining white diamond ring onto my rjng finger. We both held hands and looked at the officiator. "Then I now pronounce you husband and husband." The officiator said proudly. "Now kiss."

I eagerly kissed him and closed my eyes, blushing when he scooped me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hand through his smooth hair. My ears were overwhelmed by cheering and clapping and whooping of all sorts. He pulled away from me and hummed with a goofy grin. "Oh baby, you look so adorable. Let's get you to a seat before your legs really do give out." He sighed and held me close. I laid my head against his chest and looked over at Edd. He seemed genuinely happy for me right now. I waved and laughed when Tord kissed all over my face. "C'mon baby." He cooed and brought me through the aisle, more cheering and clapping surrounding me and filling my senses. I tried to cover my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, not enjoying the experience at all.

After finding a seat to keep me from falling on my face, Tord pampered me with kisses and brought me a drink, trying to help me calm down more. After a bit of recuperating with love, Tord brought me to the wedding cake. "Are you ready honey?" He asked and held out the cake knife. I nodded and carefully cut the first slice, placing it carefully on a plate for my husband. "Thank you baby." He cooed and took a bite, feeding me a bit too. "Mm! So good." I hummed and helped hand out cake. "I feel a lot better." I told him with a bright smile. He kissed my cheek and fed me another piece. "Good, I know how nervous you were. I'm so proud of you for letting us have a big wedding." He praised as I handed Edd a piece. Ringo tried to sneak a bite from the cake, but Edd quickly picked her up and held her close. "Great wedding Tom, I hope you have a lovely and fulfilling life together." He said with a warm smile. He gave both of us hugs before going to his own table.

After a lot of hugs and congratulations, we had a long night of partying that included dancing and drunk people being stupid. At the end of the night, Tord laid down in bed with me and loosened his tie. "So... What was the surprise?" I asked and he looked over at me. "Oh, the thing I was grinning about? It was just a joke between me and my pa. We were talking about what I was gonna do with you tonight." He said with a smirk. "And we were talking about how much of a bitch my dad was when they got married in their own way." He told me while holding back laughter. "Why did that make you so amused-? Is it really that funny?" I asked, not getting the point at all. What's so funny about it? "Well that's why it's an inside joke- it isn't funny to other people i guess." He explained and pulled off his shirt. "Nowwww, about that thing we're doing tonight." He hummed and looked at me with that same mischievous expression. "Yeah yeah, go to town." I sighed and faked boredom. This was a fun and crazy day, I don't see how people have energy left over for this stuff. I guess love makes people crazy in all the weird ways.

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