Chapter 28: Confused

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Adler lunged toward the woman before him, and a residual image remained behind him. The slight reddish aura surrounding his fist created an ominous sensation.

Before the woman could balance properly to intercept the blow, Adler's fist buried itself in her face, and a bang echoed through the quarters.

The woman's body twisted in the air, and a bloody arc accompanied her. Her twisted nose and the orifice of her ears let blood gush out.


Like butter, the houses were pierced one after another by the body of the wretched woman. It wasn't until after burying herself in the fifth house that the woman was obstructed by a metal bar.

The excited screams of the adventurers who had barely arrived to witness the scene were drowned out, and a sepulchral silence hung over the place. The resonant echoes of the rubble that could not bear the weight and collapse created another layer of tension, invisible even to those who were some fifty yards away from the scene.

After a long period of stupor, a dwarven adventurer swallowed spittle and broke the silence:

"This... wasn't this the one that flew out just now, the Berbera Bite?".

"Y-yes, that's her. I still remember that time I asked her to sleep with me, and the result...her fists broke my balls." The man next to him shuddered as he remembered his dark days.

The adventurer in the back looked at him with respect, "Man, hats off to your huge balls for inviting a tomboy like her."

"Are you saying that he who dared to hit the Berbera Bite has golden balls instead of balls?"


At Adler's mention, the others came to their senses and looked at the source of all the agitation. They couldn't help but swallow saliva at the reddish, ominous aura oozing from the hooded man's pores. Even the level 3 adventurers present felt intimidated!

"W-who do you think that person is?"

"Since he's wearing a hood, it's obvious that he doesn't want to reveal his identity."

"Maybe it's so as not to involve his Familia."

"Speaking of the Familia, have you met any adventurers with a similar description?"


The adventurers racked their brains to revive their memories; however, not a single adventurer materialized in their minds with a similar description. But since they could only conclude the reddish aura without seeing the hooded man's face, it was completely normal for them not to recognize him.

"The only thing we have in our favor is its power range. I think it's around level 4."

"That's right. Only a huge Familia should have a powerful adventurer."

Even after speculating everything they could imagine, they couldn't draw an accurate conclusion, so instead of trying to discover the hooded man's identity, they returned their attention.

Adler walked silently towards the mansion with quiet steps, which caused the adventurers to exclaim again.

"Is he crazy?! Why doesn't he just run away?!"

"Shit, he really has come prepared to die!"

"Maybe he doesn't know the terrifying power that the Ishtar Familia possesses! Heck, one of its members is a frog- Uhum! A level 5 adventurer!"

"Look, the Berbers are already coming!"

"I guess there's going to be a big fight today."

"Hahaha, I knew there would be a big show!"

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