Chapter 2: Part 1

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Drunk Porsche forcibly adopts the Theerapnyakul Family
Part 2

In the theerapnyakul household, they witnessed a lot of drunk escapades. I mean who doesn't? smoking and drinking are one of the needs of living and working in such a prominent mafia household.

But they have yet to witness someone so drunk and wasted they forcibly adopt the Theerapnyakul family. May I remind you it's forcibly adopting them? and not just any family, the Theerapnyakul family, that is.

It's funny from outsiders' point of view they would have thought that person was being adopted but to force the infamous mafia family into their own and expect without any consequences.

Are they insane?!

Just a mere thought of doing that already makes them shiver in fear. It's just plain suicide. Besides, how could anyone adopt the Theerapnyakul family? And how could you even do that? And what would you even gain if... if you managed to do that?




But of course, let's not focus on their side. After all, they are nothing but pests and outsiders' who knew nothing but to squabble.

If you ask the Theerapnyakul household, they would definitely puff their chest with pride, smile happily, and in some cases such as people like ( Kim, Macau, Big, and Chan ) would act like they don't like it but secretly love to boast it in their own manner.

And what would they gain from it they asked? What a fucking stupid question! Such selfish pests who only know nothing but the dirt of their own stupidity and desires. But they can't fault them for they haven't seen how loving and caring their sun is.

He only wanted nothing but a big family, someone he could depend on and pour his love and affection on, their sun yearns for a family that was suddenly taken away from him.

He had to sacrifice everything he had wanted just for his younger brother to survive and for him to have a good life, he had to take both responsibilities being the father and mother in their household especially when their uncle did nothing but gamble their money away.

Porsche was forced to be tougher and wiser in finding different side hustles just to have enough for his brother and to pay for everything that needed to be paid.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his brother more than anything in the world but of course beneath that tough facade--He is still a child who longed for someone to care for and love him in a way that his parents used to give.

He wanted to depend on someone not just romantically, but also in a familial manner. And the Theerapnyakul family becomes the perfect missing piece in his puzzle.

They matched his personality so well that they knew in their own ways how to handle and even out his destructive and boundless energy. It was no secret how limitless the former bartender's energy has often it wouldn't wear out without someone interfering or calming him down.

Kinn while many knows have the shortest patience and temper, would change when dealing with his beloved lover. Because when it comes to dealing with hyperactive Porsche. He knows how to drop him down with a few rounds of sex and blowjobs to make him sleepy and pliant.

But when that does not work, he would have a few more plans such as going along with whatever his beloved would do or rolling him like a burrito with their fluffy comforter to prevent him from moving and make him watch endless Disney movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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