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Hiiiiiiiii I just got back from Toronto! I never realized how small my town is, and I NEVER want to leave my town again!

Not a great chapter (as always haha am I right) but I still hope you like it!

(Sorry in advance if this chapter is confusing)

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | Sea Monster | ¤*+°~☆ ----------

There's a legend in your village... long ago, there was a sea monster that fell in love with a human (yes, a little weird, but it's a very old legend things were wild back then) and things happened blah blah blah legend stuff... something caused the sea monster to go berserk and the human it loved was the one to kill it.

A very very important part of the legend is what the human said as the sea monster died.

"Even though you're dying, this is not the end. I wish for you to one day live once more, and when that time comes, you shall walk the Earth as a man, see the world of dry land you were never able to see. When the day arrives that you are reborn, please find me... I'll be waiting for you."

You've always found that legend a bit strange...

Tamaki Amajiki has lived next to you for as long as you can remember. His parents completely oppose the legend, they think the sea monster deserved to die- and that if it is reborn as a human some day, it should be killed the moment it's born. Though, Tamaki is very different from his parents.

He loves the ocean, and seafood... and his hair and eyes are an unnatural navy blue colour.

He's your best friend.

Maybe he's more than that, actually.


But recently... you've noticed weird things happening with him.

"(Y-Y/N), um... n-nobody's down at the beach today. D-do you... wanna come with me...?" Tamaki asked you.

"Of course, Tamaki!" You responded happily.

Tamaki is a very anxious person... he prefers to visit the sea when he knows nobody is there. Though he always likes bringing you along with him.

You and Tamaki sat on the beach together. You were enjoying your time with him, when he suddenly told you something.

"...my hands really hurt, (Y/N)..."

"Oh? What's wrong?" You asked.

"I-I'm not sure..." Tamaki responded. "But it was like they just started hurting the moment I put them in the water. T-that's not normal, r-right...?"

"I don't think it is... but I don't think it's anything you need to worry about!" You assured him.

After that day, things kept getting stranger.

Tamaki kept coming to you with weird things that were happening to him.

The most bizarre thing he told you was, well...

"(Y/N) I-I think I'm growing a s-second set of jaws??"

"You what?"

Tamaki opened his mouth slightly, to which you pried it open farther with your hands, trying to see if he was telling the truth. Lo and behold, yes, at the back of his mouth you could see a second set of sharp teeth.

"I think certain types of fish have that." You told him.

"Agh... d-did you have to be so rough...?"

"Sorry!" You quickly apologized. "But, Tamaki... I think... I think you might be the sea monster."

"W-WHAT?! ME?! THE SEA MONSTER?!" Tamaki yelled out in shock. "S-sorry for yelling like that... a-anyways, as cool as that would be, t-there's no way I'm the sea monster."

"Tamaki." You said, slightly disappointed. "You're literally growing a second pair of jaws in your throat. I think there's a pretty good chance you're the reborn sea monster."

"T-that's just a c-coincidence (Y/N)! I-I-I-I mean I have TONS of w-weird things a-about me... m-my hair and eyes are n-navy blue, a-and my ears are kinda p-pointy..."

"I think that's just more proof." You told him.

"I... I-I can't go home to my p-parents..." Tamaki said to himself, realizing you were absolutely right. "W-what am I s-supposed to do, (Y/N)...?" He asked you, teary-eyed.

You adore everything about Tamaki. You always have.

It hurt you to see him like this. Crying at the fact that if he goes home his parents, who have loved him his whole life, they will murder him in cold blood...


But that's ok.

You can help him.

That's what you're here for.

"Tamaki, why don't you stay with me for a few days?" You asked him. "I'm sure we can figure out a solution. Together."

"R-really...? Y-you... you'd be ok with that?"

"Of course, Tamaki!"

You've always loved Tamaki.

And, as tragic as it is, this was the perfect opportunity for you.

If he can't go home to his parents, then that means he'll be around you all day.

And eventually he'll realize he feels the same way you do.

If Tamaki is the reborn sea monster...

Then that means you must be the human who killed him.

There's no other possible explanation.

There's no other possible explanation.

Even if it wasn't the truth, it was your truth. You're destined to fall in love with Tamaki.

And no one can tell you otherwise.

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