♤~The Bakusquad~♤

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Hey guys it's 4/20 you know what that meansssss :)

Weed time! And also Great Explosion Murder God's birthday!

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | ATTACK! | ¤*+°~☆ ----------

"How much longer until he gets back?"

"Only five more minutes."

"Is everything in place?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"He won't see it coming."

"What's the plan? Can we go over it again? I kinda forgot..."

"There's not much to it. The moment he opens the door, we attack."

"Oh! Right! I remember now! Thanks!"

"Alright guys, quiet down, I think he's coming...!"

Bakugou had been having quite a rough day.

Absolutely everyone was annoying him.

Today was April 20th. His birthday.

For some reason, everyone was talking to him. He hated it. So far, he's been able to dodge everyone, but they're still trying, and even just that was annoying.

Why do people have to act like his birthday is different than any other day?

All he really wanted was a quiet night alone. His perfect birthday would be a day spent climbing mountains, enjoying some spicy food, and then relaxing in bed reading his shoujo. That would be perfect...

But no. Those idiots have to ruin it every time.

Bakugou opened the doors in front of him, entering the dorms.

"Huh? Why're all the lights off-?"


He was hit in the back of the head with... something.

Did whoever this was think a hit to the back of the head would be enough to knock him out?!

They didn't only do it once though, the did it... about five or so times.

Yeah, that'll probably do it.

When he woke up, he was tied to a chair.

"Huh... what..." He was still a bit out of it, so it took him a short while to regain his anger. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! WHO'S RESPONSIBLE?! I'LL MURDER YOU!!!"

Nobody answered.

"Damn it... how'd I let this happen?!" He asked himself, frustrated. "SHOW YOURSELVES, COWARDS!!!" He screamed into the darkness.

Still no response.

"Why's it so dark in here anyways?" He asked, struggling in his restraints. "Hey wait a sec... whatever's holding me down, it... feels kinda familiar."

And then he realized what was happening.

"Ah fuck."

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