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Requested by: LapisLarissa

I'm finally gonna be making my way through my list of anime I want to watch! First up is Jujutsu Kaisen, I'll probably tell you my thoughts on it later.

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | Aren't You Happy? | ¤*+°~☆ ----------

You don't know how, but you became friends with a boy named Shouto Todoroki.

It took him a while to warm up to you, even after you two became friends. But when he finally did... well, he told you everything. He told you absolutely everything about himself and his family.

He told you about his parents arranged marriage, how he was separated from his siblings, how his oldest brother burned to death, how his mother poured boiling water on his face... Todoroki told you about all the torture his father put him and his family through.

You obviously felt bad for him after hearing that, it'd probably hard not to after finding out somebody went through all that...

You wanted to help him in some way.

For months, you planned something.

And one day, you finally pulled it off.

"Todoroki~!" You called out to him as you approached.

"Oh, (Y/N). Hi there." He said, greeting you in his usual emotionless tone.

"I have good news! I've solved your problem!"

"...what...? What problem are you talking about, (Y/N)?" He asked you.

"You know the one. That problem you've had your whole life... the one that caused every other problem in your life." You smiled. "Aren't I such a good friend~?"

"Well that depends, because I still have no idea what you've done." To that, you giggled like a child, before telling him exactly how you solved his problem.

"I killed your father!"

Todoroki stood there silently for a moment, looking ever so slightly concerned.

"You... you did what...?"

"You heard me, didn't you?" You playfully asked. "I killed your dad! No need to thank me."

"H-how did you manage that?!"

"Does that really matter?"

"Yes, of course it does! He's the... or, I guess... he was the #2 Hero, and you're just a first year Hero student... no offense, but there's no way you were strong enough to do that...!" Todoroki told you in disbelief.

"None taken. You're actully right... I'm nowhere near strong enough to beat him in a fight." You admitted. "My Quirk really came in handy for that! You remember what it is, right?"

"Concentrated Light? But... how would that-"

"You see, it works just as you'd expect. It concentrates light, and I can shape that light into whatever I want... it's hard for me to do more than basic shapes, but I have been practicing for a while now, and I've found that the easiest shape besides squares and circles... is a spear." You explained. "That's why I have that support item that's kinda like a bow! I can use the spear as an arrow, and use the light as a projectile! Pretty cool, right?"

"Um... yes, very cool." Todoroki awkwardly told you.

"Awe, thanks~! So the concentrated light doesn't really hurt, since it's just light, in fact it can't even actually pierce someone's flesh. But... if I focus hard enough... if I really try... I don't know the specifics of how it works, but... I can actually make the light harder." You told him. "And if I use that hardened light as an arrow... well, let's just say, it can definitely deal some damage~"

"So yes, I definitely wouldn't be able to beat your father in a real fight... but luckily, I didn't need to!" You happily said. "I just went to your house, looked through the windows from afar, and when I saw your father walk by... pshew! the arrow hit him right in the head!"

"You... you really did it." Todoroki said to himself, slightly terrified. "You're a murderer."

"Oh come on, don't pretend you didn't want it-"

"I'm not pretending I didn't want it, (Y/N)! I'm focusing on the much more important and concerning fact that you murdered someone!"

"That doesn't matter!" You told him. "I did it for you! Now, you don't have to worry about him anymore! The cause of every single one of your problems has been solved, isn't that wonderful~?"

"(Y/N), surely you realize-"

"Shhh." You placed a finger to his lips. "There's no need to keep talking about it. Regardless of how it happened, you should be happy you don't have to deal with him anymore."

You grabbed Todoroki's hand and began to walk away, leading him along with you.

"Isn't it wonderful? That you don't have to deal with him anymore?"

"...maybe, but... you killed somebody, (Y/N)...!"

"Oh, I know that. I wouldn't ever do that to anybody else, but I think he deserved it. He deserved it, so I gave him what he deserved." As you walked, you turned your head back to look at Todoroki, and you smiled. "Let's celebrate that at my place! I can cook something nice for both of us!"

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