Chapter 6: Hidden talents

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8:15 | July 14, 2021 - Emma
Hackett's Quarry camp cabins, cabin 5

Emma- Come on girls, get dressed for breakfast!
Daisy- We're having some technical difficulties...
Hazel- No, don't tell her!
Daisy- Girl, she's like 18 or 19, she will know how to deal with it.
Hazel- But I look ridiculous! Who the hell makes a stain as big as this one the first time?!
Layla- You know all of us have it right? Sooner or later, I got mine when I was 10. Emma will not think you are ridiculous, every girl's first experience is like this, or if it's not, she for sure knows a girl who's first time was like this.
Emma- What's happening in there?
Layla- *Opens the door* Hazel had the bad luck of having her first period coincide with camp, she didn't even expect it and left a giant stain on the sheets.
Emma- Don't worry Hazel, we've all been through this. Do you have pads?
Layla- Yeah, I let her one already, but she's ashamed of the stain more than the period itself.
Emma- Let me in *gets in the cabin*. It's not that big Hazel, there's no big deal, let me take it to see if I can clean it up and we'll change them later.
Emma- Why?
Hazel- They will start asking weird questions, I'm not prepared for this yet, please don't let ANY GUY KNOW ABOUT THIS.
Emma- Okay honey, don't worry. I may call Juls though so she can help me with this. Go to have breakfast and ask her to come here, this will be fixed before the day ends.
Juls- Hey there, why are you taking so long?
Emma- Just on time. Girls, go have breakfast.
Juls- What happened?
Emma- Hazel just got her first period and was ashamed of the stain on the sheets.
Juls- Being a girl is fucking painful. Did you tell her how your first period was? Haha
Emma- I didn't but be sure I will, she may come later because of period cramps, I bet.
Juls- Where do we wash this anyway?
Emma- Ooof, hard question. We have to warn Mr. H but Hazel doesn't want any guy to know.
Juls- Well, I'm sorry but Mr. H HAS TO KNOW, he's a grown up man who has a daughter, he knows about this. One thing is to hide it from her idiot classmates who for sure don't know what the fuck is going on unless they have an older sister... but a different thing is to hide it from the camp owner who KNOWS where the spare sheets are.
Emma- Alright let's go then, we will tell him not to say a word.
Juls- Of course. By the way, great moment to remember how your first period was huh? Hahaha.
Emma- Oh shut up, don't remind me the most terrific experience of my life.
Juls- Thanks god I was there...
Emma- Thanks god you had yours like two years earlier haha.
Juls- I still have sticked to the brain the memory of you coming to me during recess with a sweater tied to your waist-
Emma- A classic of classics haha.
Juls- Telling me just nonsense because you didn't want anyone to know haha.
Emma- 7th grade is the worst year to have your first period, no one understands what's going on and you feel you're the only one who has it because none of the other girls ever talks about it.
Juls- And then there's me, the first one to have it in 5TH GRADE.
Emma- Girl you got yours on summer, what's better than that?
Juls- At least your first time with a stain on your pants was understandable, because you didn't even expect it. My first stain was because I was fucking dumb and I refused to use a pad, I don't know why haha.
Emma- Haha, you were just a kid...
Juls- *Knocks on Chris Hackett's office door on the balcony* Mr. H? Are you available?
Chris- Come in, it's open!
Juls- *Opens the door* Hey.
Chris- Hey, what's that?
Emma- A 7th grader had an incident with some girl problems... if you know what I mean...
Juls- We need to know where to wash this or if you have any spare sheets to change her bed.
Chris- Don't try to wash that out, it's a big sheet and we don't have laundry here. Leave it in the bedroom here at the lodge and I will take care of it when camp finishes.
Juls- Thank you so much Mr. H, where can we find the spare sheets?
Chris- Come with me *goes to the lodge bedroom and searches in a cabinet*. Here you go.
Emma- Thanks, we'll go to change them and later to have breakfast while Jacob takes them to play his games. By the way, Hazel told us SPECIFICALLY not to tell any guy in camp, so please don't tell her you know.
Chris- No worries, I get it, I know how the first period looks like for a 7th grader...
Juls- It's because of your daughter?
Chris- Yes, my daughter Kaylee. Unfortunately, I had to raise her and Caleb alone, she was a posthumous child, my wife Amelia died during labor, so yeah, I learned a lot about periods when she was 12 hahaha.
Juls- Oh god, I'm so sorry...
Chris- No, don't worry, it was 22 years ago, and Kaylee is safe, that's all that matters. Besides, everything in life has a reason to happen, I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for that.
Emma- What an inspirational speech Mr. H...
Chris- Well, now go to have breakfast, you two! Hahaha, kids are probably almost finish!
Emma- We'll go put these sheets on Hazel's bed first haha.
Chris- No worries, I can do it.
Emma- No, please don't, if someone sees you, Hazel will know we told you.
Chris- Oh yeah, true. I'll make sure your workmates look after the children while you have breakfast.
Juls- Thanks Mr. H, have a good day!
Chris- You too!
Emma and Juls- *Exit the office*.

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