Chapter Eighty- Five

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Tw: nsfw, punishment

"Feeling defiant are we?" I ask Wade amused as he continues to laze about on the bed, the rest of my mates being the good obedient whores I want them to be.

"I wouldn't be me if I just up and listened now would I beautiful?" He asks amused, challenge clear in his eyes and little smirk creeping up on his face.

"I'll tell you one more time Wade, face down, ass up." I say moving over to the whip sitting on the bed, knowing it's going to have to be used.

"Make. Me." He says with that shit eating grin my body moving quickly on its own not failing to miss the annoyed groans from the others who did what they were told, giving me an idea.

"I don't think things like the whip really work for you Wade, you don't want to be a good boy, you don't get your treat, you may watch or leave." He chuckles darkly coming close to my face before plopping on the bed laying back giving me the finger as he slowly starts to jerk.

"Oh if you're staying you definitely don't get to touch." His grin falls a bit but his hands move behind his head nonetheless.

"Now for my good toys, let's show Wade why it's always best to listen to mommy." I say moving over to the fourteen bodies with their faces pressed to the cold floor and their asses up in the air waiting and ready to be used however I deem fit.

I sing pulling a large amount of water out of the air and disperse it between person, warming it for some, cooling it for others based off what I've learned about their separate kinks and likes and dislikes.

I smirk through my song watching each person writhe around as the water tantalizingly explores each of their bodies.

"More, please, more." Carol begs her chest shaking with every squirm and beg, much to my delight. I pinch her pert nipples and rush a water dildo into her ass enjoying her screams that soon turn into groans of absolute pleasure.

Gilgamesh manages to lean over and kiss my feet look up at me with big, wide, begging eyes, I cant help but gently smile, pet the side of his fave and give his ass the same treatment as Carols.

Unlike Carol, Gilgamesh doesn't scream out and I smirk over to Thena signaling she did a good job training his ass.

She smirks for a moment, knowingly, before pleasure quickly replaces it again.

I shoot Wade a look continuing my song, making sure he's not touching himself, and sure as shit, his little needy ass is practically humping the air, but not touching, never touching. He glares and sticks out his tongue and I shoot him a warning look, his tongue quickly darting back inside of his mouth.

"I'm close baby." N'Jadaka gruffly says his thrusts moving in sync with the waters quick paced movement. I guide the water away from his cock and get on my hands and knees on the floor in front of him before pushing my ass slowly back into his cock. I'm unable to lift my ass back up before he's already finishing inside of me. I turn around and smirk, still not dropping my song for the others as I move off of his twitching cock and pat his head as he slumps back onto the floor, sweat tricking down his toned body.

My song grows faster, louder matching the intensity of the situation, as the room begins filling with a cacophony of moans, groans, whimpers and screams of release, the perfect symphony, coming to a close.

I go around giving them each kisses and head pats, helping them up onto the bed if they want and need it taking a wet cloth and wiping down each of their bodies, giving special attention to Wade who still had a bit of a pout resting on his face.

As I go to lay down to rest and cuddle my worn out mates my phone rings and Eddie whose by the nightstand with the phones on it quickly hands it to me Hayden's name reading on my phone.

Sniffles fill my ear and panic immediately floods me but I keep manage to keep myself calm to figure out what's happening.

"My smart girl, what's wrong, what happened?" I ask gently, her sobs just growing more hysterical when I ask I wait for her to let it all out before she starts speaking.

"S-she just t-tried to convince me t-to willingly die t-to make herself stronger, said it's my only reason for existing." She manages to slowly sob out, the sounds of Tony and Pietro muffled in the background trying to comfort her fills my ears. I take a moment to think about what I want to say before taking a deep breath.

"Because to her that is your reason for existing. In her fucked up, twisted, power hungry mind, she brought you into this world, she can, and should, take you out. But, we sane people know that's not true, you are in this world to make a beautiful life for yourself, to have adventure, to learn so much, to laugh, to cry, to fall in love, to make mistakes, to be Hayden. She is just the woman who birthed you, she doesn't get to decide why you exist, she just made it possible, and that's the only thing we'll ever be grateful to her for. You are so much more than what she says you are Hayden." Hayden sniffles some more small sobs still escaping her lips.

"I love you mama." She sobs out making tears roll down my face involuntary.

"I love you most baby, I'll be waiting right by the elevator for you, okay?"

"Mhm." She says breathily starting to calm down a bit.

"Be safe, I love you."

"I love you." She responds back and I wait until she hangs up to pull the phone away from my ear shooting my mates (especially the ones who are not fellow parents with me) an apologetic look.

None of them are upset with me and instead I get a barrage of questions about what anyone can do to help.

"As much as I appreciate you all I think I should just rinse of quickly and wait by the elevator, ready for whatever she needs from me."

"Can you do us as well?" Wanda asks motioning to Clint and Loki as well.

"Of course, let's go." I say moving into the en-suite, wasting no time in getting water and soap around and off of us in less then 2 minutes.

"I will never not be amazed by that." Clint chuckles as I make sure all our hair is completely dry before giving my other mates a peck and making our way to the elevator where my mates who did not participate in todays activities are already waiting, concerned.

They all still smile when they see me.

Apparently I had good timing as the elevator starts moving, coming up to this level.

Time for mom mode.

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