Chapter Forty- Three

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"Why aren't you accepting our bond?" Carol asks searching my face sadly having already accepted it on her end.

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out my heart racing nervously she looks at me almost without blinking waiting for me to answer before taking a slow step closer to me like I'm a deer who might get spooked at any loud noise.

"O-our son is home you have to leave, you can't just burst through someone's window." I finally say nervously.

"I'm.. sorry." She says with tear filled eyes before flying out of the window she came in I try to call after her feeling terrible but she's already long gone.

I slump along the wall to the floor lifting my knees to my chest resting my head.

"Why did you tell her to leave? She's Captain Marvel!" Peter (P) exclaims.

"I don't know, I got nervous. I'll talk to Fury and find her." I say determined, standing up taking out my phone.

"Fury? Like the Fury who forced this upon you? You're just going to call him like nothing happened?" Tony asks crossing his arms.

"Just to find her." I answer rolling my eyes.

"What about in the long run? Are you going to be with him?"

"I don't really have a choice I accepted the bond and as much as I hate him right now I still care for him."

"Can we beat his ass first?" Sam snickers amused.

"Only if you record." I chuckle moving into his arms kissing his lips.

"Oh that's a given baby." He smirks against my lips before spinning me out of his arms my phone goes off and I read that Loki decided to take Matteo to school a little early so as to avoid any further commotion and that he loves us I quickly respond back with a we love you too have a good day at school.

Having my phone out I call Fury more nervous then I though I'd be, he picks up almost immediately.

"Are you okay?" His worried voice asks over the phone.

"I'm fine but do you have any idea where I'd be able to find Captain Marvel?"

"Danvers? No we haven't spoken in a while, why would you need- oh, she's one of-"

"My new mates, yup." I answer popping the p.

"Sorry if I hear anything I'll let you know."

"Okay bye."

"B-" I quickly hang the phone up with a pant of my heart taking a sharp inhale of breath pushing my phone back into my pocket.

"Nothing." I shake my head looking around at my expectant mates. Loki teleports into the room next to me taking me into his arms worker iron suits and regular working people begin cleaning up the broken glass replacing the giant window, we move out of their way into the bedroom.

Once we start getting ready for the day someones phone begins buzzing and Scott runs to the side table frantically picking up his voice at a whisper. I move closer only able to catch snippets of his conversation.

"Just wait a bit."

"She needs time."

"Too much."

He finishes the conversation hanging up spinning on his heels meeting my curious face with a raised eyebrow.

"You wanna tell me who that was and what the hell you were talking about?" Scott looks down at his feet guiltily.

Loving Marianna Book Two Where stories live. Discover now