Chapter Sixty- Eight

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Terror, desperation, helplessness.

That's all I see on the faces of the ever proud Jorbans as they flee the only place they call home in hopes that strangers, will be their salvation.

"It's not even a quarter of our population." Voural, Avians son says shaking his head as he helps an elderly man onto an evacuation ship.

"I'm sorry, but hopefully it won't matter in the end we stop the emergence, save the people who have to stay and everyone can return here like nothing even happened." I say optimistically making a small smile form on his strong features.

"Hopefully." He says.

"They've found Eris' location." Gilgamesh rushes up to us nervous energy swirling around him, I take his hand and give it a squeeze nodding my head to Voural wishing him safety.

"No I'll be coming with you, I won't evacuate my planet like a coward. This Eris will have to answer to a native of these lands for her crimes."

"I'm not sure if she'll have time to answer anything before my lovely little deviants suck their souls." I smile but motion for him to join us, a guard taking his place helping people onto the large ship.

"Even if I only get to watch her perish, it will be enough." He says following along. Gilgamesh chuckling at Vourals words.

"Makkari said to meet here once I find you, she'll get us soon." Gilgamesh says taking out his phone texting Makkari. Just as he says that Voural and I are taken into Makkaris arms and outside of the structures of the metal world.

I steady myself as Makkari let's go rushing off to get Gilgamesh returning in only a moment kissing my cheek as she does so. I look around admiring the the dark, open space leaning down to touch the metal outside, the feeling of life flowing through my fingertips just like the inside of the world, only stronger, more apparent.

My gawking is cut off by Thor entering my vision with his ginormous smile and boisterous laugh filling my senses.

"Come my love, everyone's waiting for us." He says taking my hand leading me through the tower. He quickly brings us through the familiar halls to an unfamiliar door. At least unfamiliar to the tower.

"No.. this.. this isn't right." I say quietly shaking my head letting my hand slip out of Thors who turns around and looks at me with confusion.

"They're waiting my love, come on." He says as I take a step back looking around the tower.

"I'm.. supposed to be doing something, supposed to be somewh-" he cuts me off with a wet kiss gripping my hair tightly.

"You're supposed to be with us, in here." He says pulling away gesturing for me to open the out of place door. I slowly approach the door resting my fingertips on the cool metal knob and twist.

I swallow hard seeing an ever familiar old wooden staircase leading to a basement. I slowly make my way down, Thor and I's weight making the stairs creak with each step.

The sight before us when we finally descend the staircase makes my stomach drop, and my heart rate pick up, though my face reads that of a completely calm person.

Aaron smirks with Scott's hair gripped in his hands a knife pressed against his throat slightly drawing blood, the rest of my mates are in the same position being held off by unrecognizable people, each one of them is battered and bruised their eyes devoid of anything until they see me.

I prepare myself to scream and end their worthless lives but Aaron presses the knife further into Scott's neck making him grunt in pain, the other people holding my mates following suit making me hold back my scream. I could kill them all but they would definitely kill my mates in the process I have to be smart about this.

I grind my teeth together mustering up every ounce of control in my body.

"Let then go or so help me Poseidon." I breathe out my nostrils flaring, my body heating up with anger and fear.

"On one condition." He smirks the sound of his voice making my insides cringe I don't respond but my glare pushes him on to explain.

"Just, end yourself. The one over the many, don't need to kill everyone to sever your soulmate bond, just you, the whore it started with."

"Don't do it!" Yelena yells before being knocked out cold, blood pooling on the floor from her mouth.

I whip my head behind me looking for help from Thor but he's no longer there and when I look back I see him on his knees in the same, vulnerable position as the rest of my mates. I grip the front of my hair tightly burying my eyes in my hands, shaking my head.

"This doesn't make sense." I whisper to myself squeezing my head tighter and tighter.

"Do it Marianna, this is your last chance." Aaron presses on urgency in his voice motioning to a table that wasn't there a moment ago, a blade appears and I pick it up turning it over in my hands looking over my mates for the last time.

I mouth to them that I love them before lifting the knife to my throat closing my eyes the cool steel pressing against my skin before a massive force of power sends me flying, the basement and tower dissipating, metal being the first thing I see when I open my eyes.

The second thing being a concerned Makkari who looks over me with great care and worry kissing my lips when she deems me okay.

Sorry for hitting you like that Eris must have been manipulating your mind, you wouldn't respond to any of us and well, then you lifted the knife and I got scared. Makkari signs Gilgamesh translating just as much emotion flashing on his face as he does, I gently touch both of their faces before a loud explosion takes my attention to the battle taking place around us.

I call the deviants to me and in moments the creatures are at either side of me and one behind, promising their protection.

Let's hunt some genocidal trash.

Loving Marianna Book Two Where stories live. Discover now