Chapter Seventy- Six

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Marianna POV
"Honestly I don't have the energy to be angry, just don't lie to me, communicate with me, I know I can be stubborn but I promise to do better and to really really try to listen to you all when you tell me to hand over the reigns." I say after hearing what Natasha and Fury have been up to, and dragged Wanda into.

"Good, because Hayden overheard us earlier and wants to talk to her." Natasha quickly adds trying to start a different conversation. I shake my head pinching the bridge of my nose.

"This is a lot of information, but she has the right to see her biological mother." I say Hayden jumping out from seemingly nowhere.

"See! Even Marianna thinks I should get to talk to her!" Hayden yells pointing two accusing fingers and Nat and Wanda who both shoot me a very dirty look.

"What you guys think differently?" I question, both of them looking at me like yes of course we do how could you think this is possibly a good idea?

"Either we bring her to meet her biological mother ourselves or she'll find a way to do it by herself, and I'd rather be able to support, and protect her." I say Hayden nodding her head with a big satisfactory smirk.

"Hey, don't treat this as a joke, if we meet her you need to listen to what we say, when we say it, we do not take keeping you alive lightly, and that is why Natasha and Wanda both said no in the first place." It's their turn to smirk and gloat despite the look I shoot them.

"I know it's very serious, I'm sorry, I promise to be good and listen." She says with wide eyes making my heart swell and a smile take over my face.

"Well.. that went better than I thought it would." Fury chimes in having watched this whole situation with trepidation ready to leave at a moments notice.

"Yeah thanks for all the help." Natasha says, making Fury shrug without a care.

"Well now that this is dealt with I need to go and try to salvage my date with Erik, we'll go see your mother this weekend Hayden." I say before heading into the kitchen where everyone went to, to let us talk, Peter (Q), Stephen and Gamora shoot me a questioning look, a look of my own answering them back telling them everything is fine and that we would talk later.

"Well it's been good to see everyone we'll be on our way now!" Rocket says hopping down from a barstool heading for the nearest exit Gamora snatching him and seating him back down on the barstool with a small thud.

"We went along with your shit for long enough Rocket why don't you explain to the team what the fuck happened." Gamora says making me quietly chuckle, discreetly pulling Erik out of the room and down the hall to my room.

"I'm really sorry about all of this, I had an amazing time despite it being cut short." I say with a smile taking his rough hands into mine his thumb tracing circles on my hand as he smiles back at me.

"Don't ever be sorry about your life, I want you in any way I can have you, you are my future and I want to be apart of your crazy life." He smiles pressing our foreheads together, my heart swelling with love, my eyes pooling with involuntary tears.

"I didn't want you to cry babygirl, the opposite actually." He says wiping the tears that fall making me smile.

"I just love you so much I can't contain my emotions." I confess his eyes lighting up.

"I love you." He says pulling me into his arms holding me like I could slip away at any moment, I look up at him not daring to move out of the embrace as our lips meet, tongues locking together fighting for dominance, hands exploring each other, but not too far, both of us showing an immense amount of control.

He almost growls when I pull away catching my breath, moving his mouth down to my neck to kiss and lightly suckle making small whimpers escape my lips, I feel him growing hard against my leg and it takes every ounce of self control to push him away.

"We can't, dinner is soon." I say half heartedly, Erik filling the space between us wrapping me in his arms.

"Fine, but let me hold you for another minute, drink in your presence." He says making me relax into his arms, knowing he'll hold me up.

"So what are we going to name those cats?"

Clint POV
"Is something the matter?" Katy, Shang- Chis companion asks as she notices me trying to inconspicuously shake my head to the approaching Bruce.

"Oh nothing is the matter, so long as we get an explanation." Bruce says his eyes flashing green, using we, referring to himself and the hulk, which is never a good sign, sitting very close to me his leg shaking in anticipation, or rage, or both.

Shang- Chis eyes flash nervously over to me before flickering back to Bruce.

"I'm Shang- Chi, it's nice to meet you." He says holding out his hand trying and failing to exude confidence, Bruce looks at him incredulously gripping his hand tightly for the handshake, Shang- Chi waving it off in pain.

"So what's going on here Barton?" Bruce asks turning to me.

"For a doctor you're awfully stupid." I say rolling my eyes, making Bruce even more enraged as he obviously fights the Hulk from coming out and squeezing the life out of me.

"He wants to be with Marianna but doesn't know if he should even bother. I've been trying to convince him he definitely should bother because he just about broke her heart when he rejected her."

"I did not reject her!" Shang- Chi chimes in both me and Bruce saying the same thing at the same time.

"Well you didn't accept her."

"No I didn't, and instead of sitting around here with you, I'm going to change that." He says slapping his hands on the table pushing himself up and leaving the diner.

Clint quickly throws money on the table and we all follow after him.

"That's the wrong way!" Clint yells, Shang- Chi halfway down the street, in the complete opposite direction of the tower.

"I promise he's not normally this dumb." Katy says as Shang- Chi storms past us in the correct direction all of us following the ever determined man.

I was annoyed with Bruce at first, but now I'm just entertained.

Hopefully Marianna kicks his ass before accepting him.

That only seems fair.

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