Chapter Thirteen

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"No humming Yanis." Fury snaps.

"Afraid?" I smirk turning to look behind me at Fury as we fly through hyperspace. He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"You'll know if I'm using my siren magic on you."

"Maybe I just don't to hear your horrible humming."

"Tch. Uncalled for. I've been singing and humming a long time nobody has ever said something that mean. Why did you come anyways? I'd be better off without you."

"Cause I'm in charge Yanis, and what I say goes. So if I say I want to come, then I do." I roll my eyes continuing my humming.

A while later the communication device begins going off and I answer it a hologram of Matteo and Clint coming up.

"Even hologram you is beautiful." Clint says admiration in his eyes. I blush and look away seeing a glaring Fury.

"I miss you guys." I say looking back at the hologram.

"We miss you too." Matteo says sadly.

"I'm sorry Matteo. I know this was really sudden and mysterious and that's not fair to you but sometimes that's how it has to be for the greater good. This time, you'll understand why I had to do this soon enough. I can't promise that for every situation being an Avenger entails, but I can promise this, everything I'm doing is to make the world, the galaxy a better place."

"I just miss you." He murmurs fidgeting with his hands.

"I know, I miss you too." I close my eyes and concentrate sending the power of song to him.

"Sing. Just like we've been practicing." I say opening my eyes with a smile watching Matteo fix his posture and begin softly singing. He naturally lifts his hands into the air guiding the small trail of water that he's pulled out of the air around.

He watches himself manipulate the water and instinctually stops the song from shock. He smiles at me and I can't help but smile widely back.

"Good job Matteo." He smiles again.

"Thanks. I'll let you guys talk. Be safe. I love you."

"I love you too honey. Be good." He waves and steps out of the hologram Wanda quickly taking his place pushing her beautiful smiling face into the hologram.

"Hello gorgeous, how are you?"

"Not good I miss you." She frowns.

"I miss you too-" something begins beeping and I realize we're close to Jorba.

"I'm sorry to cut this short my loves but the sooner I do this the sooner I come home. I love you all."

"We love you too." Clint says disappointed making my heart pang as I hang up.

"I'm just like my mom." I say in disgust sending a signal to Jorba that we'll be landing a few minutes.

"How so?" Fury asks confused helping me with the controls.

"Just leaving Matteo like that." I shake my head.

He scoffs, "you've done nothing but make sure that kid gets the help, stuff, and most importantly love he needs. Very different from your mother." I'm quiet for a moment.

"Thanks." I say quietly as I land the ship.

I swing the doors open and am greeted by Avian and Torvals smiling faces. I jump into both their arms and give them a big hug.

"Queen Samah and Lord Caine are waiting for us in my office." Avian says eyeing Fury.

"Who is this?" Torval asks me.

"Nick Fury, everyone just calls me Fury though. You'll do the same." He says stoically.

"I trust Marianna wouldn't have brought him if he was anything but trustworthy." Avian reassures Torval resting his hand on his shoulder. I give him a grateful smile as we begin heading to his office.

"Your planet is astounding, it's like the metal is alive." Fury says impressed and Avian smiles.

"That's because it is."

"Where's your entourage?" Torval asks looking back at me.

"Ha ha very funny, my spouses are home with our- my brother."

"Ah yes Matteo I hope he's doing well, from what you've told us he seems like a great kid." Avian says.

"He really is." I smile as Avian opens the door revealing Samah and Lord Caine. I bow before them and they return the gesture.

"Goddess." Lord Caine says taking my hand and placing a kiss on it.

"Your beauty is radiant."

"Thank you." I say holding out my other hand with my ring on it. He smiles, straightening his back. Samah clasps my hands and gives me a warm smile.

"It's been too long."

"Yes ever since you almost killed us." I say jokingly and she laughs taking her seat. Torval and Avian join them and I do as well until I realize Lord Caine glaring at Fury.

"You didn't say anything about him being here." He seethes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it would be a problem. He insisted he wanted to come to apologize to you." I smirk at Fury who shoots me a quick glare before fixing his face into a smile.

"Yea, I've come to.. apologize to you Lord Caine." Fury says with a bow and Caine accepts this with a nod. Fury takes a seat next to me and pinches my leg under the table.

"So we discussed a bit before you got here about the Crogans situation and I sympathize. Itima will be prepared to take a fourth of Crogans so long as Altore IV, Earth, and Jorba each agree to also take a fourth."

"Earth is more than willing." I smile.

"Altore IV isn't perfect and we'll need the help of your people to make it a better home but we will also be willing to take a fourth of Crogans."

"Jorba as well. We pride ourselves on helping whoever we can now thanks to Marianna." I look to Caine and try to read his unmoving face.

"Croga thanks you all profusely and accept your offers, but I'm afraid my people are still angry with Earth and won't accept peace until Mr. Fury here faces consequences."

"Uh, what kind of consequences?"

"1,000 lashes and if he's still alive a public hanging." Caine says like it's obvious.

"I'm sure there can be something else arraigned." I say heart rate speeding up. I feel Fury tense next to me.

"He can fight our best warrior to the death, but he will lose." Caine says absolutely sure.

"Can someone take his place?" Caine eyebrow raises in interest.

"Theoretically, yes only if the person is willing." I look over to Fury who looks like he's going to be sick.

"Well, I'm willing." I stand looking Caine directly in his eyes challenging him.

"It seems you are." He smirks amused before kicking his seat back lunging at me.

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