Why me? HUH WHY!?!

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Please don't comment on the spelling or grammar I know it's confusing.


What is with this guy he seem to have two different personalities. One is a player and the other is....nice.

WAIT STOP IT RIGHT there TC he is your sister's mate not your's. I turned my head slightly to study his wolf.

He was gorgeous midnight black fur with one of his ear tips white. He was easily twice my size but not as experienced in fighting. I can tell by his carefree movements never checking over his shoulder, must be nice.

Here I am a fighter and then there is a spoiled little alpha trying to get my sister. Good luck she is a bigger handful then a new born baby.

"Hey I have a question." his sexy voice was in my head...WAIT I said SEXY! OH NO!


"Have you ever kissed a guy?" His voice was a little upset.

Why would he care?Hmm may as well ask.

"I'll tell you if you tell me if you kissed my sister yet. Deal?"

He stopped walking and turned his head in my direction. "Deal. No I haven't."

I started laughing, she bragged all math that he was gonna kiss her during lunch. "Dido"

His eyes sparkled "Really?"

"Yea haven't even gone on a date." I saw several emotions go threw his eyes, joy, anger, lust and . . . was that love? Na probably mehallucinating.

"Well wanna? with me?" his voice was hopeful

"I dont think so." He was going out with sam and has the nerve to ask me out?

"Please? Just one and I'll leave you alone." His voice sounded pained at the last word.

I thought about it a win, win i could get sam off my back about dating and I get rid of this moron...

'you know you like him'Nala said

Nala is my inner wolf and has a strong head, hard headed, with a child side.

'no i dont he is sam's mate.'

'No his isn't remember' she reminded me.


He has started walking again but stopped when i called his name. We were is that pack's territory and i wasn't invited.

"I need to get out of here I wasn't invited so..." i could hear the panic in my voice.

"It's fine I'm Alpha remember and I invited you." His voice had gone sweet.

"Really?" I walked right next to him, my fur rubbing aginst his. A low moan broke out of his mouth and I backed up a little.

"Yes really. now stop." His voice had gone hard as a new wolf walked over to us.

Hunter tensed and put himself in front of me, causing the new wolf to stop and stair.

"We're gonna shift" he nodded to the wolf "so stay here and don't, for god's sake, make a run for it."

"OK I'll be here."

Without another word Hunter and the other wolf went to shift then out came a man, he had to beat lest 40, and Hunter.

This must be his father or something because they share the same bonestuck sure but the new one had blue eyes instead of hazel.

"Tanya this is my father, the last Alpha," he gestured to the man "and dad this is Tanya." his voice took on an emotion that i couldn't place ever time he said my name.

Hunter's father seemed to understand and his eyes widened"Hi my name is John and I have some clothes if you would like them." I nodded and grinned a Wolfy grin and walked to him.John nodded and started walking into the forest. Hunter walked beside me as we followed his father, a hand on the cut off between my shoulder and neck. I hate to admit it but it felt good, natural. We came to a 4 story white house and I froze, this was the pack house.

"It's ok." Hunter smiled down at me keeping me close. John had gone to the third floor and stooped at the second door on the right.

"This is Hunter's room and you can use it to change." He handed to some clothes, I took them and nodded my head. Hunter opened the door looking embrrest, I walked inside and he shut the door. I quickly shifted and looked at the clothing: a shirt that read "This is me! Take it or leave it ", blue jeans, thank god! most girl like skinny jeans but I have them with a passion. A bra andunder wareand socks for the shoes in this room, i guess.I quickly got the clothes on andslippeda pair of tennis shoes on. I opened the door and saw. . .

>> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hunter'sPOV

While Tc was changing my Ex. Amanda walked up to me.

"Hello there big boy, wanna go some were quiet?" Her finger running down my arm, once that may have felt good but now it only ticked me off.

"No" I growled putting a little alpha in my tone.

"Why not?" Her voice had gone whinny.

My bedroom door opened and i gasped Tc had a tight fitting shirt, FINALLY, that read"This is me! Take it or leave it " and blue jeans on. Tc took in Amanda crushed into my side and looked mad. "Who is she?" Amanda sneered

"Tc and you?" Tc answered glaring at her like she wanted to rip her apart.

"Amanda...Hunter's mate." Amanda is such a BITCH!, we broke up months ago and we only kissed that's as far as i wanted it to go. Amanda had other plans....that's why we broke up, that and she only wants to be Alpha Female.

Tc started laughing and I was shocked. . . Does she even care?

Amanda turned red with anger "Don't laugh at me BITCH!" and slapped Tc. I saw surprise color Tc's face as she slowly raised her hand and touched the red spot on her cheek. Then before i could see her move Tc had Amanda aginst the wall witha loud BANG.

"If you EVER touch me or Hunter again your gonna be running with three legs...understand?" Tc's voice was low and very deadly. . even I was scared.

"Y-y-y-Yes! Please let me go." Amanda began to sob and Tc leaned away, Amanda ran like the devil himself was chasing her.

"What was. . . were you jealus?" Blade howled in delight and i wanted to, that means she likes me or that she realized what we are.

"I'm not sure Nala just hated seeing her on you." she explained looking shocked at what happened. 'Nala is her wolf' Blade told me

'How do you know that?'

Me and her have hung out since ya'll met.' Blade held a huge smile on that fact

"Tc do you wanna know why she didn't like it?" I held my breath as she considered that, slowly she nodded.

"Yea cause it's confusing."

"Well. . .we are . . Mates." I had trouble finishing as her eyes got wide.

"What!" She looked like Amanda had hit her again. I know i should not do this but . . . I pulled her to me and hugged her tight. Shocking the crap outta me she hugged me back, nuzziling my neck in the process.

"Why cann't my life be simple?" she whispered

"Cause that would take the fun outta it. Can I do something?" I muttered

"What?" her voice seemed paniced

"Claim you so other males will leave you alone." I felt her freeze "But that's only if it's ok with you."

"H-how would you 'claim' me?"

"If I bite into your neck....your mine." Her breath spead, she looked at me and slowly streatch up.........

My mate is my twin's Ex.Where stories live. Discover now